Trust Cop

Trust Cop needs to be avoided at all costs literally. Trust Cop or TrustCop is a trick in order to get you to purchase the full version. Trust Cop is going to cost you money and many problems. Don't spend a cent on this and don't be fooled by any of it. Trust Cop is a clone of dozen other programs (SecureWarrior)that look exactly the same and will present you with false security notifications which will appear very similar to the real thing. Trust Cop will run a false security scan that will look very similar to a real one. You will not know the difference and it is important for you not to be fooled. The only way you are going to know it is fake is by the name. If the name has anything to do with TrustCop, then you need to stay as far away from this as you can. Read more »

Home Personal Antivirus

Home Personal Antivirus is malware which tries to pull itself off as a Windows Optimisation program. The truth of the matter is that Home Personal Antivirus has nothing to do with Microsoft at all. Home Personal Antivirus or HomePersonalAntivirus is a fake Windows system optimisation program but it does not improve your machine like the name suggets; instead it adds a degree of danger and Read more »


SecureFighter is a clever and manipulative anti spyware application. It makes use of fake scan results in order to try to convince innocent users into purchasing a full version. SecureFighter is the newest exact clone of unstopable rogue family SecureVeteran, SecurityFighter and so on and so forth..... Read more »


The only thing professional about SecureVeteran is the method that it uses in orer to trick innocent victims. SecureVeteran which is an exact clone of SecurityFighter, uses clever tactics to try and make you buy the full version. What happens is that SecureVeteran gains access to your computer via browser hijacking or alternatively from certain Trojans. It will perform a fake system scan of your computer. This scan is false and should not be taken seriously at all. SecureVeteran then presents you with a false scan report that may scary you. Read more »

Antivirus Professional

Antivirus Professional has been designed with the purpose of tricking innocent people. Antivirus Professional name may sound very convincing but it is crucial that you don't get fooled. Antivirus Professional or AntivirusProfessional gains access to your machine via dangerous Trojans or misleading advertisements. Antivirus Professional will perform a scan on your computer which is actually fake. Antivirus Professional will also present you with a fake scan report that looks real. This scan report will inform you that you have a collection of dangerous malware running on your machine. The scan report is false and so are the results. Read more »


SecurityFighter is a dangerous fake scan system product which was created by the same group of hackers who created SaveKeep, QuickHealCleaner, SystemCop, BlockDefense, SaveDefense, Trust Ninja and SaveSoldier.No matter what name it goes by or who the creators are, their goals and intentions are the same.SecurityFighter is not going to keep your computer safe and instead will do quite the opposite.SecurityFighter may gain access to your system through Trojans, browser hijacks and various fake antimalware scanner. Read more »

Alpha Antivirus

Alpha Antivirus is a malicious antivirus spyware that needs to be avoided. It is extremely dangerous and comes from the Zlob Trojan group of infections. Alpha Antivirus or AlphaAntivirus may be installed onto your system without your knowledge and consent. It may run in the background and cause your computers performance to completely slow down. Alpha Antivirus may also try trick you into buying the full version by a variety of different tactics. Read more »


SaveArmor is a malicious threat that you need to keep your eyes open for. SaveArmor gains direct access to your machine after you have installed a specific video Codec or a Trojan. SaveArmor may not come alone and may be bundled with various other malicious threats that could cause serious amounts of damage to your computer. If you suspect that you have SaveArmor on your machine, then you need to remove it very quickly before it causes you further unnecessary damage. Read more »


SaveDefender is just another malicious antispyware product which is being used to try and get people to part with their money. SaveDefender or Save Defender actually had a reputation for creating false computer security tools and is not to be trusted. SaveDefender makes use of fake online scans which it uses by scaring it's victims into purchasing the full version. It also highly suggests that you make use of SaveDefender in order to remove the infections that it claims is running on your machine. Read more »

Fake Windows Security Center

Fake Windows Security Center is a rogue anti-spyware program designed to display ambiguous popup notifications warning you of a virus or spyware parasite being found. Fake Windows Security Center is able to conduct system scans that return many erroneous results all in an attempt to get you to purchase the full Fake Windows Security Center application. Fake Windows Security Center does not have the capability to detect and remove computer parasites or malware. Read more »