What is SaveArmor?
SaveArmor is a malicious threat that you need to keep your eyes open for. SaveArmor gains direct access to your machine after you have installed a specific video Codec or a Trojan. SaveArmor may not come alone and may be bundled with various other malicious threats that could cause serious amounts of damage to your computer. If you suspect that you have SaveArmor on your machine, then you need to remove it very quickly before it causes you further unnecessary damage.
It is suggested that you pick the automatic removal method as opposed to the manual one. This is due to the factor that the risks are much higher and more severe with regard to the manual remover method. It is also suggested that you back up all your data if you wish to apply the manual removal of SaveArmor. Either way it is highly recommended that you invest in decent antivirus software that remains updated on a regular basis.
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