PC Defender 2010 is the latest fake security tool. Also known as PCDefender 2010, one should definitely NOT trust this application. Designed to resemble its predecessors, PC Antivirus 2010 and PC internet Security. As is quite common with these type rogue applications, PC Defender 2010 makes use of Trojan Zlob - the infection to enter into a computer, once infiltration is complete, PC Defender 2010 will begin its reign of terror, as it inundates the user with fake and numerous pop-up message alert notifications. Read more »
PC Antivirus 2010
PC Antivirus 2010 is also known as PCAntivirus2010 and is a malicious rogue which you need to watch out. You need to be aware of the factor that everything related to PC Antivirus 2010 is one big scam. It will not protect your computer like the name suggests, it is guaranteed to only harm your computer, invade your privacy and try and steal your money. PC Antivirus 2010 will gain access to your computer without your knowledge or consent. Read more »
User Antivirus 2010
User Antivirus 2010 is very dangerous and is guaranteed to try and invade your privacy as well as attempt to steal your hard earned money. UserAntivirus2010 is able to delete your data and cause your entire computer system to become very unstable. The main factor to take into consideration is that User Antivirus 2010 is never to be trusted. You need to know that there are many malicious cybercriminals out there who are just waiting for the right moment in order to gain access to your computer system as well as try and obtain your hard earned money. Read more »
Facebook Antivirus
Facebook Antivirus is very dangerous and spread by certain Trojans. You need to know that Facebook Antivirus or FacebookAntivirus is one big attempt to try and steal your money. The truth of the matter is that Facebook Antivirus was created by cybercriminals in order to trick innocent computer users and then stealing their money. You need to know that no matter how infections you are told you have on your computer system, that it is all entirely false and is just one big scam which is used in order to try and obtain your money. Read more »
Control Components
Control Components or ControlComponents is a very dangerous rogue antispyware application that you need to take seriously. It is very important that you never download, install or purchase anything which is even remotely related to the malicious Control Components. You need to be aware of the factor that once Control Components has gained access to your computer system, you will experience many computer problems. You may receive computer security notifications which tell you that you have all types of parasites which are running on your computer system. You need to know that there are no parasites running on your computer system, except for the malicious and deceptive Control Components itself. It is going to be within your best interest to invest in a decent antispyware removal product that will help the situation. You also need to take computer security seriously at all times and make sure that all your software is up to date at all times. Read more »
User Protection
User Protection (or UserProtection) is the latest in rogue anti-spyware programs. User Protection makes use of a variety of methods to coerce and trick computer users into purchasing the "Full" version of User Protection. User Protection tends to be downloaded and installed manually, rather than via Trojan infection (which are true for most other malware applications). Once User Protection is installed on the computer it will allow for the user to scan the infected computer, Read more »
Vista Security Tool 2010
Vista Security Tool 2010 sounds like it will help your computer, but the reality of the situation is actually the complete opposite. Vista Security Tool 2010 is one big clever scam, that knows exactly how to scare you and make you part with your money. Vista Security Tool 2010 or VistaSecurityTool2010, VistaSecurityTool 2010, Vista Security Tool2010, Read more »
Xp Defender Pro
Xp Defender Pro which is also called: XpDefenderPro, XpDefender Pro, Xp DefenderPro, grants you the same protection as its predecessors. The list of which runs into the hundreds… all of which are rogue anti-spyware applications, just like Xp Defender Pro. This malicious software tends to be advertised via online advertisements. The installation process begins at quite respectable websites, Read more »
Security Guard
Security Guard (also known as SecurityGuard) is yet another rogue anti-spyware program, only out to extort money from unsuspecting users. Security Guard is a clone of Cleanup Antivirus Security Guard tends to sneak into a computer system while users are unknowingly searching for codec updates and the likes of… this is only one of the ways in which Security Guard infiltrates a system. Fake malware system scans and spam e-mails may also contribute to the probability of Security Guard entering into a computer system. Read more »
Total XP Security
Total XP Security is a new rogue antispyware program from the same family of malware as Windows Defender 2010.It will hijack your internet explorer browser and present you with a malicious warning message. The best thing that you can do is to remove Total XP Security upon detection. It is also important to have decent antivirus software running on your machine that is both up to date and authentic. Read more »