What is Total XP Security?
Total XP Security is a new rogue antispyware program from the same family of malware as Windows Defender 2010.It will hijack your internet explorer browser and present you with a malicious warning message. The best thing that you can do is to remove Total XP Security upon detection. It is also important to have decent antivirus software running on your machine that is both up to date and authentic. If you suspect that you may have Total XP Security running on your machine but you aren't entirely sure, you could make use of a decent software application that is able to both detect and remove Total XP Security for you. Total XP Security is only going to cause you problems and try and steal your money, it is better avoided at literally all costs. It is extremely important to be aware of the factor that the only real threat which you do have running on your machine is the malicious Total XP Security itself.
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