Antivirus GT is a malicious rogue antispyware application that is guaranteed to cause you computer hell. Antivirus GT (also known as AntivirusGT) is going to try every trick and tactic that it can in order to try and convince you to buy the full version. You must never be fooled by any fake system scans, any fake system scan report results as well as any fake computer security notifications as they are all fake and are part of the big plan to try and make you buy the full version of Antivirus GT. Read more »
Green AV Security Suite
Green AV Security Suite is a malicious rogue antispyware application that will try and steal your money as well as cause you many computer problems. You need to know that Green AV Security Suite is actually directly related to many other fake security applications - they look the same. Do not be fooled by any of the tricks that Green AV Security Suite presents you with as it is all one big attempt to try and obtain your money. You must never under any circumstances buy any full versions of Green AV Security Suite. Read more »
System Security Antivirus
System Security Antivirus is a rogue antispyware application. Also referred to as SystemSecurityAntivirus, this application should be removed and not encouraged! As is quite common with these type rogue programs, System Security Antivirus enters into a computer system via Trojan infections, spam emails and through its affiliated websites. What System Security Antivirus does is it creates a vast amount of fake pop-up alert messages, combined with fake security system scans – all of which are utilized to ensure the user is coerced into thinking their system is infected terribly – and the only solution is to purchase the full version of System Security Antivirus. This is not fact! Do not fall for this tactic of persuasion, as System Security Antivirus will only cause damage to any system it has infiltrated. System Security Antivirus cant remove a single infections and is only created to show messages which will trick users. Should you suspect your system is infected with System Security Antivirus, remove it ASAP! Read more »
Defense Center
Defense Center is a malicious rogue antispyware application that makes use of manipulative and deceptive tactics in order to try and obtain your hard earned money. Defense Center (DefenseCenter) is one big scam which has been designed by a horrible bunch of people who just want your money. You need to not be fooled by any of the tricks that Defense Center may use to scare you into believing that you have all types of malicious threats running on your computer. This software claims that it can remove all infections found on Your computer, but as we analyzed this software we can tell - Defense Center cant remove a single threat. Read more »
AV Security Suite
AV Security Suite is not to be trusted under any circumstances because it cant remove any threats. As soon as AV Security Suite has infiltrated a computer system, it will begin its reign of terror. AV Security Suite is highly capable of invading your confidential data, whilst at the same time negatively affecting the performance of said computer system. AV Security Suite has also been reported to randomly delete data on an infected computer – all of course without any permission or input from the computer user. Read more »
Security Master AV
Security Master AV is very dangerous and is never to be trusted under any circumstances. Security Master AV has been designed for one reason and one reason only and that is to obtain your hard earned money and leave you with nothing in return. You need to know that you may experience irritating pop up messages as well as fake computer security system notifications. Security Master AV is all one big scam which has been designed in order to steal your money. You need to know that you must be very cautious and not fall for any of this. Read more »
Win Antispyware Center
Win Antispyware Center is a horrible rogue antispyware application that is going to cause you hell. You are going to experience many irritating symptoms and consequences due to the deceptive sofyware. Win Antispyware Center or WinAntispywareCenter is generally installed on your computer system through a Trojan horse. You need to be aware of any sudden symptoms which your computer experiences which you are not used to. Any strange symptom which you may see may be an indicating factor that your computer system is infected with the nasty Win Antispyware Center. Read more »
XJR Antivirus
XJR Antivirus may also be known as XJRAntivirus and is just as dangerous and malicious. XJR Antivirus will gain access to your machine when you least expect it without your consent or your permission. You will start experiencing many unwanted symptoms which may include fake computer system scans which are not real, these scans will alert you to the factor that your entire computer system is infected even though the truth of the matter is that the only infection which you have on your computer is the malicious and dangerous XJR Antivirus itself. Read more »
Byte Defender
Byte Defender (ByteDefender) is another rogue antispyware application that is going to cause you computer hell and result in your money being stolen if you are not careful. You need to know that Byte Defender is going to be extremely difficult to delete and no matter what removal methods you may try, they won't work. You can try deleting Byte Defender like you would anything else but you may find that it won't get deleted. This is one of the many reasons why Byte Defender is so dangerous as well as problematic. Read more »
User Account Control
User Account Control also referred to as UserAccountControl and is another malicious rogue. User Account Control will make use of fake system scans, fake system scan report results as well as fake computer security notifications all in an effort to try and make you think that you have deceptive parasites running on your computer system. The truth of the matter is that you don't and this is all one big trick in order to try and make you buy the full version which doesn't exist in reality. Read more »