Author Archives: Max Lehmann - Page 329

Additional Guard

Additional Guard is a malicious rogue antispyware application that will take your money and leave you with computer problems. Additional Guard may also go by the name of AdditionalGuard. Here is the truth that you need to know, the system scan, the system scan report results as well as the computer security notifications are all fake. There is no full version so if you are offered the opportunity to buy it; you need to know that the full version of Additional Guard is really a big plot to take your money. It is imperative that you are warned to never download, install or purchase anything associated to the deceptive Additional Guard as it will only bring you many computer problems, invade your privacy and steal your money. If you wish to spend money on something that will help your computer, rather invest in a decent antispyware removal tool that will effectively detect as well as remove the malicious Additional Guard for you. Read more »

Malware Professional 2010

Malware Professional 2010 is nothing like the name suggests and is actually a terrible rogue antispyware application. You need to know that everything which is related to Malware Professional 2010 is completely fake. Malware Professional 2010 or MalwareProfessional 2010 will slow your entire computer system down and will bombard you with fake computer security notifications. You need to know that everything that Malware Professional 2010 does, is just one big malicious attempt to try and obtain your hard earned money. Read more »

Secure Keeper

Secure Keeper is NOT as its misleading name would have system users believe. SecureKeeper rogue anti-spyware program is indeed the ultimate scammer! Descendent from the same family tree as AntiAID or Link Safeness, this latest version - Secure Keeper tends to make use of the following methods to ensure its goal of duping unsuspecting users into purchasing its full version, is achieved and successful. Read more »

Personal Protector

Personal Protector is a new spreading program which is misteriously placed into users computers. Personal Protector or PersonalProtector is NOT as its misleading name would have system users believe. This rogue anti-spyware program is indeed the ultimate scammer! Personal Protector tends to make use of the following methods to ensure its goal of duping unsuspecting users into purchasing its full version, is achieved and successful. One of these such tactics employed is Personal Protector ability to convince a system user of its ability to remove security threats from a system , whereas in actuality, Personal Protector is completely unable to detect or remove computer threats including spyware, viruses, Trojans and even malware. Read more »

System Defender

System Defender

System Defender is a malicious rogue which may affect your Windows operating system. The clandestine infection may slither in using corrupted spam email attachments or misleading software bundle offers, and it could be downloaded by already running infections, like clandestine Trojans. Once activated, System Defender attempts to intimidate computer users and trick them into thinking that their operating systems are affected by dangerous infections. If you do not remove System Defender in time, the fake security tool will imitate a system scan and will list various bogus threats that you supposedly need to delete. For example, you may be pushed to remove Azero.B. This is not a threat that you need to be scared of; however, the provided description may be intimidating. Read more »

System Warrior

System Warrior is a very deceptive rogue antispyware application that will only cause you problems. System Warrior or SystemWarrior will use every single trick that it can in order to try and trick you into parting with your hard earned money. You need to know that everything associated to System Warrior is fake. You mustn't fall for the system scan or the system scan report results as it is all just one big attempt to try and get you to buy the full version. System Warrior is guaranteed to only invade your privacy, steal your money and be the cause of many unwanted computer problems. Read more »

Block Protector

Block Protector is a fake program that is geared towards trying to obtain your hard earned money and it may also be known as BlockProtector. You need to be warned to never download, install or click on anything related to Block Protector, as it is all one big scam. Even if things look real, if it related to Block Protector, then it is fake. Read more »

Volcano Security Suite

Volcano Security Suite is the latest and greatest threat on the Internet to date. It is currently causing major problems for computer users all over the world. Volcano Security Suite is similar to VolcanoSecuritySuite and it also spreads in a similar manner. Volcano Security Suite will creep onto your machine, when you least expect it, it will do this via certain Vundo Trojans. Volcano Security Suite will present you with a false system scan that will proceed to scan your system for any infections or malicious threats. The truth of the matter is that the only real problem you have is VolcanoSecuritySuite itself, but you may not know this until it is too late. Read more »


SoftStronghold or Soft Strong hold is phony security software, doing what it was designed to do – scam! The main aim of SoftStronghold is no different to that of any other rogue application, to dupe and coerce computer users into purchasing the full version of SoftStronghold. Being associated with other rogue applications, the likes of Winifamily, this misleading application behaves quite similarly to other rogue programs. SoftStronghold makes use of fake warning notifications and system alert messages to convince the system user of foul play within the system. Usually the SoftStronghold system alerts will warn the computer user of spyware or malware infections being present =- when in actuality – there are none whatsoever… as soon as the user downloads and installs the full version of this application, that is when all the problems begin. If anything – remember only this: SoftStronghold is NOT an effective and legitimate security program nor is it able to detect and remove computer parasites. Read more »

PC Scout

PC Scout is the newest fake antispyware program which may go by the name of PCScout. PC Scout may enter your system through malicious pop ups or banners or a Video Codec. At first it may show an imaginary system scan which will show that You have a highly infected computer. PC Scout will then proceed to offer you a solution to your problems in the form of a full version PC Scout which you can purchase. It will alert you to the factor that if you purchase the full version of PCScout, it will remove any dangerous threats which are on your machine. The reality of the situation is the PC Scout scan is false, the results are false and the full version is false. The only thing which is not false is the factor that PC Scout is dangerous and you need to get it off your machine as quickly as you can. Read more »