Trojans - Page 180 category archyve:


Trojan.Weelsof.C is a Trojan horse which may infect your computer if you do not use any reliable spyware removal tool. Its function is to download arbitrary files to your PC which is done by connecting to remote servers. It is possible that you may not notice any symptoms of this threat as it can run in the background of the system without any signs of presence. However, if some malicious files are downloaded, they may be powerful enough to somehow affect the performance of the machine. You may notice high CPU usage or other system errors. In case you have a suspicion that Trojan.Weelsof.C has accessed your PC, scan it with SpyHunter and remove the threat if it is present. Read more »


Backdoor.IRCbot.gen!M is a dangerous infection which should never get to your computer. This treacherous infection has been created to help attackers access your computer and take control other it. The backdoor Trojan, which is referred to as a generic detection, may not display any symptoms; on the other hand, your anti-virus program may display security warnings claiming that Backdoor.IRCbot.gen!M has been detected. Read more »

Trojan Dropper

Trojan Dropper is a general detection term for Trojans that drop malware onto compromised computers. There are countless types of Trojan droppers, that stealthily enter your system and then connect to a remote server behind your back to download and execute even more malicious files. Most commonly Trojan Dropper installs a backdoor that allows a hacker to access and control your computer. As a result, cyber criminals can upload collected personal information and download unwanted software on your system. Read more »


Virus.Ramnit is a computer virus that can spread on its own through removable disk drives. The infection is configured to check for removable drives whenever it arrives on a new target system, so if a computer has Virus.Ramnit and someone plugs a USB drive into it, the virus automatically drops a copy of itself into the flash drive, thus continuing the distribution of infection. If you remove Virus.Ramnit from your computer right now, you will also prevent the infection from spreading further. Read more »

Invisible Keylogger 97

Invisible Keylogger 97 is a program that is able to track the key strokes you make on your computer. Initially it was released as an official program for Windows 95 and Windows 98. It helps users to review everything that has been typed on their keyboard during the day. Trial version of the program has a 500-stroke limit per session, while the full version of Invisible Keylogger 97 has no restrictions. The keylogger program is configured to start automatically whenever you turn on your computer. Although it is a legitimate program, it can also be used by cyber criminals to spy other users and to collect sensitive information. Thus it is highly recommended to remove Invisible Keylogger 97 from your system immediately. Read more »


Backdoor:Win32/Poison.E is a backdoor Trojan that can seriously compromise your system. It can easily hide itself, and remain in your system for a long period of time, because it is able to inject itself into legitimate system processes. As a result, there are no descriptive infection symptoms that would allow you to see that you are infected with Backdoor:Win32/Poison.E. Therefore, it is highly recommended to perform regular system scans in order to prevent such infections. This backdoor is a very dangerous computer threat, and you have to remove Backdoor:Win32/Poison.E  from the system immediately if detected. Read more »


Trojan.Urausy.A is a Trojan infection, also known as ransomware, which can do a lot of harm to your PC.  It is impossible not to notice this threat on a PC, as it accesses a computer, disables security programs and provides you with a full-screen image containing the credential of a law enforcement agency. Like the majority dangerous infections, Trojan.Urausy.A can be downloaded while visiting compromised websites. Once in the system, the threat changes the registry entries and drops malign files. Do not try to remove the infection manually, because you may unknowingly remove wrong files or miss the files which have to be removed. Read more »


Trojan:JS/Seedabutor.B is a tremendously deceitful and misleading infection which you should remove if you want the PC guarded against virtual cyber criminals’ schemes. It has been discovered that the Trojan runs through JavaScript and has been created to perform unauthorized web page rerouting. The infection behaves as a browser hijacker, however it can initiate other malignant processes as well. malware researchers warn that the infection may hide within the Temporary Internet Files folder, Read more »


Trojan:Win64/Sirefef.AE is a devious computer infection which was first detected in August of 2012. Only half a year has passed since then and the infection has already brought success to cyber criminals. Schemers invented and distributed the malicious threat to hijack system processes and enable connections to remote servers. Read more »


There is no doubt you should not allow Worm.Win32.Vobfus run on your operating Windows system. This devious program has been developed to slither onto the computer unnoticed and expose security backdoors for other malicious applications. Needless to say, if your computer is safeguarded by strong, up-to-date security tools, you do not need to worry about this infection entering your PC. Read more »