It can be easy to fall victim to the seditious lies of rogue security tools such as Windows Safety Guarantee. This rogue antispyware application was not designed to offer any benefit to a PC, but instead to trick consumers into paying for worthless security software which will do more harm to their systems than good. Read more »
Rogue anti-spyware - Page 63 category archyve:
Windows AV Software
Many PC owners continue to fall for the hyped up marketing techniques employed by rogue security tools such as Windows AV Software. This rogue antispyware application was not designed to offer any benefit to a PC, but instead has the sole purpose of ripping unsuspecting consumers off. Although seemingly user friendly and genuine looking, Windows AV Software does not own the ability to identify, quarantine or remove any type of threat or infection from a system. Read more »
Windows Express Help
Rogue anti-spyware applications are dangerous computer threats in the sense that they are best at what they do, namely – cheating. Windows Express Help is a malicious program which has emerged recently and it is terrorizing unsuspecting computer users by forcing them to pay for worthless security tool. No matter what Windows Express Help might be trying to tell you, keep in mind that it is not true, and the rogue only wants to rip you off. What is more, if you don’t react immediately to this threat, it will also cause severe damage to your computer. Read more »
Windows Optimal Settings
Windows Optimal Settings is a new threat to your computer’s security which ready to persuade you it is the best safety tool out there. To tell you the truth, it is a malicious rogue anti-spyware which will try to sway you into believing that your computer is at risk. Its means of persuasion are countless security alert messages. What you need to realize that Windows Optimal Settings is capable of going to great lengths in order to remain in your system. It can go as far as block your access to various security websites, so you wouldn’t be able to find information how to remove it. It might also happen so that your own programs would be prevented from operating properly. Windows Optimal Settings is a serious threat, so don’t take it lightly. Read more »
Windows Optimal Solution
Windows Optimal Solution looks like a genuine security application, but in reality it is a rogue anti-spyware program, which targets you and your bank account. Cyber criminals are cunning and they will stop at nothing to rob you, so stay away from Windows Optimal Solution. Windows Optimal Solution doesn’t require an invitation to enter your system. It usually is redistributed via Trojan infection which you can catch when you accidentally land in an unknown site. Sometimes you might need to click on a pop-up or on a fake online scan, but it could be possible to get an infection just by opening the webpage which hosts the malware application. Read more »
Windows User Satellite
If you find Windows User Satellite on your PC, you have definite cause for concern. This rogue antispyware application which emanates from Windows System Optimizator was designed with the express intention of ripping honest consumers off. Despite its genuine and user friendly looking GUIs, Windows User Satellite has no ability to detect or destroy infections on any system. Windows User Satellite is nothing more than malicious software out to wreak devastation in its campaign to extort money out of its victims. Read more »
Windows Problems Solution
Rogue security tools such as Windows Problems Solution has the potential to wreak permanent and lasting damage to any computer system. This rogue security tool which emanates from the same cist pool as Windows System Optimizator and Windows Optimal Solution enters the system surreptitiously and will remain hidden until such time that it starts its attack on the system. Read more »
Smart Internet 2011
Rogue antispyware applications are very sneaky in their marketing and they know exactly what they should appeal at. Smart Internet 2011 calls upon your general wish to keep your computer safe. Were you to be naïve and unsuspecting, Smart Internet 2011 will rip you off and devastate your PC system, before you know it. Smart Internet 2011 is exceptionally good in entering your system without your permission. It can creep into your computer through spam email, if you are unsuspecting enough to open random attachments. Don’t be so gullible. Read more »
Security Defender
A new threat for computer security has emerged, called Security Defender. It might look like a useful program at first, but this is what rogue anti-spyware applications are good at – they cheat. Instead of being a genuine security tool Security Defender will break your system, sending it into a knock-down. If that weren’t enough, this malware will also try to rip you off.
In most of the cases Security Defender enters your system through a Trojan infection. Upon the settlement in your computer the rogue sends you a fake notification that your system experiences a security risk which should be fixed immediately. If you pay no attention to it, Security Defender continues tormenting you with never-ending pop-ups, urging you to perform a system security scan, which is obviously a fake. Were you to perform the scan, it would announce that you need to acquire a full version of Security Defender if you want to get rid of computer security problems.

Don’t be deceived. Security Defender is a computer security threat itself, and if you pay for the full version of the application, consider your money gone for good. Your best choice is to terminate the malware before you put your computer in a greater risk. Close the application, remove Security Defender from your system and make sure you are protected against future threats.
Windows Care Tool
Windows Care Tool just started spreading and will do everything within its power to try and make you believe that it is something which it is not. The reality of the situation is that Windows Care Tool is a malicious rogue antispyware application which will bombard you with false warning messages in an attempt to try and convince you that your computer has problems. The best thing which you can do is to remove Windows Care Tool immediately with the use of a removal tool which is effective. You need to fully understand that Windows Care Tool is capable of being able to block the user from accessing any computer security related websites as well as the factor that your own software on your computer may be blocked. Read more »