What is Windows AV Software?
Many PC owners continue to fall for the hyped up marketing techniques employed by rogue security tools such as Windows AV Software. This rogue antispyware application was not designed to offer any benefit to a PC, but instead has the sole purpose of ripping unsuspecting consumers off. Although seemingly user friendly and genuine looking, Windows AV Software does not own the ability to identify, quarantine or remove any type of threat or infection from a system.
Windows AV Software makes use of established forms of infection which necessitates the use of Trojan horse infections. Bogus online malware scanners and seditious browser hijackers all form part of Windows AV Software’s online marketing campaigns, and is used to trick consumers into believing its lies and parting with their hard earned money.
Symptoms associated with the Windows AV Software rogue infection include blocked Internet connection and the random generating of fake security alerts designed to panic users into thinking their PCs are compromised. Other symptoms have been reported as the user’s inability to execute any type of program on the system and increased erratic system behavior.
Windows AV Software may lock access to Your desktop. This is done intentionally by Windows AV Software to make users believe that the only way to fix a computer is by purchasing a license. There is a workaround if You're struggling.
- You could wait until Windows AV Software finishes its scan. you can then try closing the program.
- You may also try clicking the microsoft link at the bottom left side of the screen. When a new window pops up, you can try closing Windows AV Software by clicking on the X mark.
Do not allow Windows AV Software to run rampant on your system and cause irreversible damage. Delete Windows AV Software for good and take back control of what’s rightfully yours.
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