You need to avoid HDD Doctor because it is simply a fake defragmenter program which is guaranteed to cause you many computer problems and result in your computer system displaying warning messages which are not real. By the help of powerful Trojans HDD Doctor may block various security programs, disable internet connection and show various warning messages that disturb your work. Read more »
Antivirus 2010
The truth is that Antivirus 2010 will not save your computer system because it is the problem itself. Antivirus 2010 is a rogue antispyware application that has been created by malicious people who only have malicious purposes in mind. In fact when it comes to Antivirus 2010 do not be surprised if the speed and the performance of your computer system decrease dramatically. Also do not be surprised if you find that you are unable to go to certain websites which are security related. Read more »
Internet Security 2011
When it comes to Internet Security 2011 you need to be warned that it not going to ever help your computer system. Internet Security 2011 is a highly risky fake software that is being spread with serious Trojan infections. No matter what tricks and tactics you see you need to know that these are simply made to scare computer users. The name Internet Security 2011 has been chosen wisely because there are some really serious programs that have a very familiar name. Read more »
Antivirus Scan
Welcome to the truth about Antivirus Scan which is that it is by no means a helpful tool like it suggests but is instead a malicious rogue antispyware application created in order to steal your money and leave you only with computer problems. It may be best for you to understand that any Antivirus Scan system scans which you see are false and no matter what results the system scan generates you need to know that it is a part of trick. Read more »
Support Tool 2011
Support Tool 2011 was created by a bunch of malicious people who only have malicious intentions in mind. Inclusive in their malicious intentions was stealing your money and giving you nothing back in return except for computer problems and a computer system which is infected with Support Tool 2011. Support Tool 2011 has no real scanning or fixing features - it only shows fake warning messages and reports in order to scare computer users. Read more »
Personal Security Sentinel
The worst part about Personal Security Sentinel is the fact that it will pretend to be something which it is not. In fact Personal Security Sentinel is going to do everything within it's power to make you believe that your machine is infected. This is done in order to try and make you purchase the full version which in reality does not exist. Do not be fooled by the false system scan,false system scan report results as well as the false computer security notifications. Read more »
HDD Tools
HDD Tools has entered the black market and this one is pretty nasty. Just as many fake disk prgrams HDD Tools started spreading around the internet just before the holiday season. It is distributed while people are trying to install video codecs, plugins or try to open fake e-mail attachments. After doing this action, a trojan will be injected which will run a series of commands on Your computer, one of which is to install the fake program HDD Tools. Read more »
HDD Help
HDD Help is becoming more and more popular as well as it's clones. You should know that HDD Help will not help your computer system at all and is going to only result in it experiencing many problems. Inclusive in theses problems may be a false system scan which generates false system scan report results all in one big effort to try and trick innocent computer users. No matter what HDD Help tries to convince you,just know that there are no threats on your computer system except for HDD Help itself. This is why the removal of HDD Help is very important and should be done immediately. Read more »
PC Tool 2011
The latest rogue antispyware application is something that all computer users need to be aware of. The name of this rogue antispyware application is PC Tool 2011. What you need to know about PC Tool 2011 is that it is going to try many different tricks and tactics in order to try and make you believe that your system is infected with all types of parasites. The truth of the matter is that your computer system is in fact infected but only with PC Tool 2011 itself. Read more »
HDD Rescue
It may be very difficult to actually see the difference between real software products and rogues. This is exactly the case when it comes to HDD Rescue. No matter how hard HDD Rescue will try,you need to know that it is nothing but a rogue defragmenter application that has been created for one purpose and one purpose only and that is to steal your money. HDD Rescue is going to report on hardware that does not exist and is going to make use of all types of authentic computer problems which could exist and state that these problems are taking place on your computer system at this very moment. Read more »