What is HDD Tools?
HDD Tools has entered the black market and this one is pretty nasty. Just as many fake disk prgrams HDD Tools started spreading around the internet just before the holiday season. It is distributed while people are trying to install video codecs, plugins or try to open fake e-mail attachments. After doing this action, a trojan will be injected which will run a series of commands on Your computer, one of which is to install the fake program HDD Tools.
Dont trust any HDD Tools warning messages or scan reports as all these are fake. HDD Tools creates them out of nowhere and its only intention is to scare computer users so they would spend money on a full license. bear in mind that the full version of HDD Tools is worthless because it only turns of the warning messages and doesnt fix any disk errors at all.
Please be aware of this program, dont install it, and if you're unlucky and have allready been infected, remove it as soon as possible.
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