Author Archives: Lisa Blanc - Page 21

Rote Ransomware

Rote Ransomware

If your personal files cannot be read, and the “.rote” extension is added to their names, you can blame Rote Ransomware for that. This clandestine infection slithers in and wreaks havoc on your personal files before you can figure out what is going on. Once files are fully encrypted, the infection uses a text file to introduced victims to a ransom demand, according to which files can be restored only if the victim pays $980 for a decryption tool provided by the attackers. If you know anything about cybercriminals, you must know that they often cheat and tell lies to reach their goals. In this case, their goal is to make money, and they are clearly willing to do whatever it takes to get it. Unfortunately, files are not restored when victims delete Rote Ransomware, and that is what might push them into a corner. Hopefully, you can find an alternative way to regain access to your personal files, and you can remove the threat without hesitation. Read more »

Zobm Ransomware

Zobm Ransomware

When you discover that your personal files cannot be opened normally, you might automatically think that a system error has occurred, but Zobm Ransomware might be to blame for that. This infection is clandestine at first, and it might be dropped by other infections or slither in using an unpatched vulnerability. Users could be tricked into letting it in by opening spam email attachments or downloading files from unreliable websites too. If the threat manages to remain undetected, it can silently encrypt files, which means that the data is changed. The “.zobm” extension is also added to the names of the encrypted documents, photos, and other types of personal files to help you spot them quickly. At this point, you might still think that some error has occurred, and you might even try to remove the added extension. Soon after, the infection reveals itself so that demands could be made, and it is too late to delete Zobm Ransomware to prevent file damage. Read more »

Mosk Ransomware

Mosk Ransomware

Mosk Ransomware is one of the newer threats from the Stop Ransomware family. Some malicious applications from this family encrypt victims’ files with offline keys. Specialists say that in such cases, it is possible to decrypt data. Unfortunately, it appears that this version encrypts files differently, which is why its affected files are currently undecryptable. Even so, we do not advise asking for the cybercriminals who created this malicious application to help you. They demand to pay a ransom in return, and the worst part is that there are no guarantees they will provide what they promise. Of course, before you decide, you should learn more about the malware, which is why we advise reading our full article. Also, users should know that it would be safer to erase Mosk Ransomware, which is why we provide manual deletion instructions at the end of this page. Read more »

Rooster865qq Ransomware

Rooster865qq Ransomware

Rooster865qq Ransomware is a recently created ransomware application. As most threats from this category, it encrypts files to take them as hostages and displays a ransom note explaining how to get affected data back. The malware’s note does not provide instructions on how to pay a ransom, but it has the malicious application’s creators’ contact information. Of course, we do not advise contacting them. Hackers are not trustworthy people, and there is always a risk they could scam their victims, in which case, things might get even worse. Therefore, you should consider it carefully. At first, we recommend checking if you have any backup copies that you could use instead of data that got encrypted. If you do, we advise removing Rooster865qq Ransomware with no hesitation. To learn more about this threat, we invite you to read our full article. Read more »

AnteFrigus Ransomware

AnteFrigus Ransomware

When you do not take care of your operating system, you open a door for malware, and one of the infections that could use it is the AnteFrigus Ransomware. This infection might use remote access vulnerabilities, spam emails with malicious attachments, and clandestine bundled downloaders to enter the operating system, and if there is no reliable security software to stop the execution of this threat, your personal files are put at risk instantly. This malware encrypts files and, as the name suggests, it demands a ransom payment afterward. This payment, allegedly, would be exchanged for a decryptor, but can you trust cybercriminals? Of course, you cannot trust them, and that is why our research team does NOT recommend making any payments. In fact, we do not recommend interacting with cybercriminals and their malware at all. Instead, you should focus on deleting AnteFrigus Ransomware. Read more »

Mespinoza Ransomware

Mespinoza Ransomware

Mespinoza Ransomware is very dangerous, and if you make the mistake of letting this malware into your operating system, you are likely to find most of your personal files encrypted. Needless to say, you are unlikely to let this malware in knowingly, but cybercriminals know the tricks and the backdoors that can be used to help the distribution of malware. For example, cybercriminals know that many people continue to be careless with spam emails. They open them, they read them, and if the message is convincing enough, they might be tricked into opening the attached file. As you might have gathered already, this file represents malware. Once the file is opened, the path for malware to slither in is cleared, and if security software is not set up to look out for you and delete infections before they are executed, the attack is underway. Sadly, once personal files are encrypted, they cannot be restored. You cannot salvage them even by removing Mespinoza Ransomware. Read more »

Mbed Ransomware

Mbed Ransomware

If you have opened this page, you probably have encountered Mbed Ransomware already, or at least you want to learn more about this dangerous infection. This program is similar to Toec Ransomware and Nols Ransomware. In fact, we could say that those programs are clones because there barely is any difference between them. It doesn’t mean, however, that you can relax right now. You still need to remove Mbed Ransomware from your system, and you need to look for ways to restore your files. But please remember that sometimes it can be impossible to decrypt your personal data. Read more »

Nvram Ransomware

Nvram Ransomware

Nvram Ransomware is a malicious computer infection. Users download and install this ransomware themselves, but they are not aware of it at first. After all, who in their right mind would ever download a malicious infection willingly?

However, if you happen to have this program on your computer, it’s about time you remove Nvram Ransomware once and for all. You should also look for ways to restore your files, and then protect your system from other potential infections. Please note that investing in a licensed security tool is a must, but it is not enough to ensure that ransomware doesn’t enter your computer again. Read more »

AIR Ransomware

AIR Ransomware

AIR Ransomware was created to encrypt files. Unfortunately, it can encrypt 181 different types of files, among which we have .doc, .docx, .png, .gif, .raw, .jar, .java, .uot, .stw, .sxw, .ott, .odt, .pem, .p12, .csr, .crt, .key, .pfx, .der, .dat, and many other types. When files are encrypted, they cannot be restored manually. Furthermore, tools that could do it automatically did not exist at the time of research. In some cases, free decryptors are created to crack the encryptors used by malware, but that does not happen too often. If you decide to look for a tool like that, make sure that you are careful because it is possible that you could end up installing something that is not only useless but also malicious. As you might have figured out yourself, you cannot restore files by removing AIR Ransomware. Nonetheless, you want to delete this infection, and you want to get it done fast. research team has analyzed this malware for you, and we are ready to assist you. Read more »

Dishwasher Ransomware

Dishwasher Ransomware

Dishwasher Ransomware has nothing to do with home appliances. In fact, we do not know how the creator of this malware came up with this name, but it is included in its code. Also, when we tested the infection, it was also the name of the launcher file. Of course, when this malware invades your operating system, it is likely to use a completely random name to ensure that it stays hidden, undetected, and, of course, un-removed. At the time of analysis, the infection appeared to be in development stages, but we want to discuss it to, hopefully, warn Windows users before it is too late. After all, it is much easier to keep this malware away than it is to deal with it once it attacks. We specifically warn all Windows users about spam emails and bundled downloaders that could be set up to spread malware. Please make sure you are cautious. If you are not, you might need to delete Dishwasher Ransomware from your operating system, and when you do that, your files might remain encrypted. Read more »