Mosk Ransomware

What is Mosk Ransomware?

Mosk Ransomware is one of the newer threats from the Stop Ransomware family. Some malicious applications from this family encrypt victims’ files with offline keys. Specialists say that in such cases, it is possible to decrypt data. Unfortunately, it appears that this version encrypts files differently, which is why its affected files are currently undecryptable. Even so, we do not advise asking for the cybercriminals who created this malicious application to help you. They demand to pay a ransom in return, and the worst part is that there are no guarantees they will provide what they promise. Of course, before you decide, you should learn more about the malware, which is why we advise reading our full article. Also, users should know that it would be safer to erase Mosk Ransomware, which is why we provide manual deletion instructions at the end of this page.test

Where does Mosk Ransomware come from?

Our researchers think that Mosk Ransomware might get in with some unreliable data obtained from the Internet. For example, it could be an attachment received with Spam emails or other messages. Users should know that malicious installers do not necessarily have to look like executable files. Cybercriminals might make them look like pictures, various documents, and so on. Thus, you may want to scan email attachments with reputable antimalware software before opening them even if they do not look harmful to you.

Another way to obtain such a malicious application’s installer could be visiting unreliable file-sharing websites. Such sites may also contain various infections that might be disguised to look like legit software installers or other files. Therefore, it is better to obtain programs from legitimate web pages only. Also, keep in mind that you can scan setup files or any other data downloaded from the Internet with a legitimate antimalware tool too.

How does Mosk Ransomware work?

The first thing Mosk Ransomware ought to do is create data listed in the removal instructions available below this article. After settling in, the malware should locate targeted files, for example, photos, videos, various documents, and so on. Next, the malware should encrypt them with a robust encryption algorithm, which means unlocking them might be an impossible task if you do not have special decryption tools.

Since this malicious application was designed for money extortion, the malware should create a ransom note called _readme.txt. Same as most threats from the Stop Ransomware family, the infection’s note asks to pay a ransom of 490 US dollars or 980 US dollars if a user does not pay the first mentioned sum in 72 hours. As we said earlier, we do not recommend paying it as you cannot know if hackers will hold on to their end of a bargain. What they promise is to provide victims who pay a special decryptor and a unique decryption key. It is possible they may not bother sending them, and if you do not want to risk being scammed, we advise not to pay ransom.

How to erase Mosk Ransomware?

Another thing we recommend for users who may encounter this threat is not to leave it unattended. That is because it may launch itself automatically after each restart, and every time it does so, it could start encrypting files it has not enciphered yet. If you want to remove Mosk Ransomware manually, you could try completing the instructions available below. The other way to eliminate this malicious application is to get a legitimate antimalware tool. Scan your device with it and then allow your chosen tool to remove Mosk Ransomware and other possible threats for you by pressing its displayed deletion button.

Eliminate Mosk Ransomware

  1. Click Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
  2. Pick Task Manager and select Processes.
  3. Locate a process belonging to the threat.
  4. Select it and click End Task.
  5. Exit Task Manager.
  6. Click Windows key+E.
  7. Locate these paths:
  8. Locate the malicious application’s launcher, right-click it, and select Delete.
  9. Navigate to these folders:
    %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data
  10. Look for the malware’s created folders with random names (e.g., 7a9ea157-12c4-497d-7f76-9e78rc1b7ef3); they ought to contain malicious .exe files.
  11. Right-click the threat’s created folders and select Delete.
  12. Go to: %WINDIR%\System32\Tasks
  13. Find a task called Time Trigger Task, right-click it, and select Delete.
  14. Locate files titled _readme.txt, right-click them, and choose Delete.
  15. Exit File Explorer.
  16. Press Windows key+R.
  17. Insert Regedit and click Enter.
  18. Locate the given directory: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  19. Find a value name created by the threat, for example, SysHelper, right-click it, and press Delete.
  20. Exit Registry Editor.
  21. Empty your Recycle Bin.
  22. Restart the computer. 100% FREE spyware scan and
    tested removal of Mosk Ransomware*

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