What is Dishwasher Ransomware?
Dishwasher Ransomware has nothing to do with home appliances. In fact, we do not know how the creator of this malware came up with this name, but it is included in its code. Also, when we tested the infection, it was also the name of the launcher file. Of course, when this malware invades your operating system, it is likely to use a completely random name to ensure that it stays hidden, undetected, and, of course, un-removed. At the time of analysis, the infection appeared to be in development stages, but we want to discuss it to, hopefully, warn Windows users before it is too late. After all, it is much easier to keep this malware away than it is to deal with it once it attacks. We specifically warn all Windows users about spam emails and bundled downloaders that could be set up to spread malware. Please make sure you are cautious. If you are not, you might need to delete Dishwasher Ransomware from your operating system, and when you do that, your files might remain encrypted.
How does Dishwasher Ransomware work?
When Dishwasher Ransomware invades an operating system, it is unlikely to wait long before personal files are encrypted. This threat specifically goes after the files in %USERPROFILE%\Desktop, %USERPROFILE%\Documents, %USERPROFILE%\Favorites, %USERPROFILE%\Music, and %USERPROFILE%\Pictures folders. If you are lucky, none of your personal files are stored in these folders, but if there are any files, they should get the “.clean” extension appended to their names. According to Anti-Spyware-101.com research team, Dishwasher Ransomware should encrypt .7z, .avi, .bmp, .conf, .config, .csv .doc, .docm, .docx, .evtx, .gif, .htm, .html, .ico, .inf, .ini, .jpg, .jpeg, .json, .lnk, .log, .mp4, .nfo, .pdf, .png, .pptm, .ppt, .pptx, .rar, .rtf, .scr, .txt, .url, .wma, .wmv, .xlsm, ,.xml, .xls, .xlsx, .yaml, .yml, and .zip files. While some of these extensions might mean nothing to you, among them you can see different types of document, image, and media files. Needless to say, if personal files are stored in the listed directories, you might be facing a huge loss. Since Dishwasher Ransomware was not fully developed at the time of research, a free decryptor did not exist either, and we cannot guarantee that such a tool would be created.
We know for a fact that Dishwasher Ransomware is meant to drop an image file in the %temp% directory and set it as new Desktop wallpaper. At the time of research, this image represented a hooded character, but no message was displayed on it. Although that was the only file dropped by the infection, it is likely that the threat would create a message file too. Most likely, this message would push the victims to contact cybercriminals or pay a ransom in return for some decryptor right away. If you are currently dealing with this malware, and a ransom note was introduced to you, we want to warn you that following cybercriminals’ demands is unlikely to be a good idea. We have analyzed thousands of infections alike (e.g., Toec Ransomware, Kiss Ransomware, or Start Ransomware), and we know that, in most cases, victims end up being scammed. This is why it is so important to have backups stored someplace safe. When you have backups, you can remove Dishwasher Ransomware without any hesitation and then replace the corrupted files.
How to remove Dishwasher Ransomware
Since Dishwasher Ransomware was not fully developed at the time of analysis, we cannot offer a complete manual removal guide, but if we have anything to add to it, we will do it immediately. That being said, manual removal of Dishwasher Ransomware is not really the top option. Our top option is using anti-malware software. It is set to scan the system, detect and delete threats, and, at the same time, protect it against malware invasion. Without a doubt, if you do not want to face new infections, this is the software that you need to install. However, you cannot rely on security software completely, and you have to do your own part as well. First of all, backup personal files outside the computer to ensure that replacement copies are always at hand. Second, readjust your behavior when you are online to ensure that you are not tricked into letting in malware by accident.
Removal Instructions
- Delete recently downloaded suspicious files.
- Simultaneously tap Win+E keys to open Explorer.
- Enter %TEMP% into the quick access field at the top.
- Delete the files named dump.keys and bg.jpg.
- Empty Recycle Bin.
- Perform a full system scan using a legitimate malware scanner.
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