Windows Privacy Counsel

Windows Privacy Counsel

Windows Privacy Counsel removes access to Windows Tools (Registry Editor and Task Manager), blocks Internet connection, tampers with the running of most executable files, can cause slow computer processing speeds, and various other dysfunctions. The clone of Windows Privacy Module and Windows Maintenance Suite rogues, the new fake antispyware is monitored by virtual schemers and experienced hackers, who are in the know of every single Windows security loophole Read more »

DNS Changer - how to remove

Not sure what is going on with your Internet connection and browser? You might be infected with DNS changer which is cunning malware. It steals in the system unnoticed and changes the DNS server’s settings so that the users, instead of a particular website, visit a malicious website. The website might be a product of the malware’s creators that want to infect as more machines as possible. Read more »

Windows Custom Safety

Windows Custom Safety

Windows Custom Safety is a true menace to the health of your operating Windows system’s overall health. This fake security tool potentially can slow down your system, remove Windows privileges, disrupt Internet connection or even create security backdoors for other malignant software. So, if you have no wish for such paralyzing Windows Custom Safety ’s actions, stay away from illegal downloads, Read more »

Windows Privacy Module

Windows Privacy Module

Even if Windows Privacy Module claims that it is reliable, do not trust it, because it is a misleading software created to lure you into wasting money on its imaginary full version. This rogue is a clone of Windows Safeguard Upgrade, Windows Secure Surfer etc, and, as well as it predecessors, Windows Privacy Module looks like legitimate Windows software. Read more »

Windows Maintenance Suite

Windows Maintenance Suite

Windows Pc Aid, Windows Safety Wizard were not released too long ago, but Rogue.VirusDoctor schemers are onto the next fake security tool – Windows Maintenance Suite. The infection is as equally dangerous as the rest of the family members, and once inside a system, it can cause detrimental symptoms. These include blocked Internet connection, so that you could not research the rogue, blocked running of most executables, Read more »

Windows Pc Aid Virus

Windows Pc Aid Virus

Rogue.VirusDoctor family has been supplemented with a new rogue antispyware, and Windows PC Aid follows Windows Safety Wizard and Windows Turnkey Console applications. All of the fictitious programs from the same family work with the same methods, which is why with the rogue activated your Internet connection will blocked, Read more »

Windows Safety Wizard

Windows Safety Wizard

There are quite a few things you should learn about the malicious clone of Windows Ultimate Security Patch, Windows Defence Counsel or Windows Guard Tools – Windows Safety Wizard. However, most importantly, you have to realize that this application has no technical potential to detect or delete real malware, and it is completely fake, only displayed as legitimate to drag out your honestly earned money Read more »

Windows Turnkey Console

Windows Turnkey Console

A lot of computer applications are known as harmful to PCs’ system, and Windows Turnkey Console is one of them. Delete this malware, because it simulates protection of your computer’s system. Windows Turnkey Console is produced by the same criminals who made Windows Antivirus Rampart, Windows Defence Counsel and other applications. Read more »

Blekko Redirect

Blekko Redirect is one of the most cunning browser hijackers, which performs redirection attacks to, a legitimate search engine that cyber criminals will employ for their malignant, profit-generating operations. The website is known to support its affiliates by paying money, and cyber criminals will use that to collect even greater benefits. If you notice that your searches Read more »

Live Security Platinum

Live Security Platinum

The cyber criminals who made Live Security Platinum do not put their cards on the table as they seek to rob you and lure you into disclosing your banking data, because Live Security Platinum is a counterfeit application which should not be trusted, as was with older application Security Shield. Cyber criminals wait until you expose your passwords, account and CCV number which will be used to steal your money. Do not make any purchase but delete Live Security Platinum from your computer at once. Read more »