What is DNS Changer - how to remove?
Not sure what is going on with your Internet connection and browser? You might be infected with DNS changer which is cunning malware. It steals in the system unnoticed and changes the DNS server’s settings so that the users, instead of a particular website, visit a malicious website. The website might be a product of the malware’s creators that want to infect as more machines as possible.
Overall, DNS is Domain Name System that converts domain names into the IP addresses. This allows computers to “communicate” with each other and connect to the Internet. When a name of the website is entered in the address bar of an Internet browser, DNS servers is contacted to define the IP address of the website.
Cyber criminals have used this function and created DNS changer that controls the accessibility of particular websites. When the infection is present in the system, the user is redirected to insecure website that are typically used to infected computer with malware. To achieve this, genuine DNS servers are replaced with bad servers. Moreover, it is possible, that besides this infection, the system also contains more malware that might affect the performance of the system.
In addition to DNS changer’s intentions, the malware can access, for example, a router or home gateway or the victimized SOHO (Small office/home office) network. If the user has not change the default username and password of the device, the malware can access the device and affect, for example, other computers of the network.
If you open your Star menu, select Run, type in there cmd.exe and press OK, you can check whether your machine is infected or not. In the CMD window, type “ipconfig /all” and press OK. You will find the relevant information in the line that begins DNS Servers. If your IP address differs from the range given below, your computer is not infected. through through through through through through
Usually, the IP addresses of home computer vary from to
If you see that you are infected, which means that you cannot browse and use the Internet as usual, remove DNS changer from the system. We highly recommend using a powerful malware removal tool, because it is by far the safest way to get rid of the infection. No damage is caused to the system, because only the malware is deleted.
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