It might seem that Rogue.VirusDoctor schemers have already made a huge profit with their deceitful security tools, but the newest family clone Windows Anti-Malware Patch has emerged just recently. It is obvious that cyber criminals have not yet reached their goal yet, and the latest Windows Antivirus Release virus is now being replaced with its identical replica. Of course, the “new” virus will soon be replaced by another infectious application, but for now it is this virus that Windows users need to be aware of. Read more »
Win32.Malware-gen is a generic title of infections that target operating Windows systems from the Windows 95 version upwards. These treacherous applications are fueled by such dangerous, cloaked elements as svchhost.exe, setup.exe, services.exe msblast.exe, taskmon.exe, winsys.exe or sysinfo.exe, and all of these are responsible for initiating and running malignant processes that allow cyber criminals to reach their devious goals of gaining profit out of your misery. Read more »
Windows Virtual Security
Windows Virtual Security is a piece of malware which belongs to the Rogue.VirusDoctor family and is the latest clone of Windows Antivirus Release, Windows Interactive Safety and other obnoxious applications. The purpose of producing this infection, or duplicating other applications, is evident – the schemers behind the malware want to make you pay money for a supposedly useful and powerful full version of Windows Virtual Security. Read more »
Windows Antivirus Release
Windows Antivirus Release is an unreliable computer application, which is also a clone of such cunning applications as Windows Interactive Safety, Windows Ultimate Safeguard and others. The malware, along with its predecessors, belongs to the Rogue.VirusDoctor family, which is a group of rogue products having the same interface and operating characteristics. Read more »
Windows Interactive Safety
If you are planning to allow Windows Interactive Safety to “stay” on your PC, you probably do not know how malicious it is. This computer infection seeking to gain users’ money is a clone of such malicious application as Windows Ultimate Safeguard, Windows Antivirus Machine, Windows Active Guard and others. Due to its characteristics, the malware is attributed to the Rogue.VirusDoctor family. Read more »
Windows Ultimate Safeguard
In case of rogue antispyware infection such as Windows Ultimate Safeguard, there is no time to hesitate and you have to terminate the program immediately. There is no need to tell you what will happen if you do not delete Windows Ultimate Safeguard in time. You see, Windows Ultimate Safeguard is a rogue that is a direct descendent of Windows Antivirus Machine, and these computer infections have been designed to steal money from unsuspecting computer users. You will definitely become one of them if you ignore Windows Ultimate Safeguard altogether. Read more »
Windows Antivirus Machine
Windows Active Guard and other fake antispywares have already made some profit, and Windows Antivirus Machine, the newly developed clone, is ready to take part in the unlawful cyber criminals’ scam. The newly released fake antispyware has been made to resemble those security applications, which can protect your computer against malware, detect and remove infections, and Windows Antivirus Machine claims to have all of those attributes. Unfortunately, Windows Antivirus Machine cannot offer any advantageous services to your operating Windows system’s protection, and therefore, Read more »
Win32/Winwebsec is a Trojan displaying fake antivirus programs, which are also classified under the name of Win32/Winwebsec. Once in a computer’s system, the Trojan displays interfaces that look legitimate; however, the truth lying behind bogus security tools is that this is how cyber criminals attempt to deceive gullible computer users into buying a bogus security application, which supposedly removes malware. Read more »
It seems that Trojan:DOS/Alureon.A has caused much damage so far, because this nasty Trojan violently treats a computer and impairs the system’s performance. It was investigated that even though the Alureon Trojan is detected by antivirus programs, not all of them are able to remove it. Sometimes, even if the infection is erased, it recovers after the reboot and is again detected by the security application. To avoid this, it is highly advisable to have a powerful spyware removal application, which will manage to remove the threat effectively. If you are curious about possible symptoms of the Trojan’s infection, keep on reading. Read more »
Windows Ultra Antivirus
A malicious security application Windows Ultra-Antivirus should be deleted at once after spotting it on the computer. This malware has been designed to lure you into believing that your computer’s system is in serious danger. It will attempt to make you pay money for an imaginary full version, which, according to the description of the application, removes viruses, Trojans and other infections. Pay no attention to the information provided by Windows Ultra Antivirus but remove the rogue from the system. Read more »