What is Windows Antivirus Machine?
Windows Active Guard and other fake antispywares have already made some profit, and Windows Antivirus Machine, the newly developed clone, is ready to take part in the unlawful cyber criminals’ scam. The newly released fake antispyware has been made to resemble those security applications, which can protect your computer against malware, detect and remove infections, and Windows Antivirus Machine claims to have all of those attributes. Unfortunately, Windows Antivirus Machine cannot offer any advantageous services to your operating Windows system’s protection, and therefore, should be removed from every infected computer! To learn everything about Windows Antivirus Machine, removal options, and possible outcomes, we recommend reading further.
It is possible for Windows Antivirus Machine to be infiltrated into your system without any of your knowledge, and you might think that you are installing a video codec or other piece of legal software, when, in reality, it is Windows Antivirus Machine setup that you are running! This is why it is very important to stay guarded when in the virtual space, or use legal security applications, which could perform protection and malware removal tasks for you. After the infiltration is successful, bogus Windows Antivirus Machine’s computer scanner and fake security notifications will be used to trick you into believing an artificial infection. If you fall for this, then you might end up thinking that purchasing Windows Antivirus Machine’s full version is the only solution to have all the fake threats removed from your computer. By all means, you should not pay any money to cyber criminals behind Windows Antivirus Machine, because once the transaction is done, your personal information could be used in other unlawful schemes!
Windows Antivirus Machine’s true intentions are unquestionable, and it is not recommended to waste any time with this bogus tool! If you postpone Windows Antivirus Machine’s removal, you are risking your overall computer’s functionality; this is why it is advised to act immediately! Manual removal is only applicable to advanced Windows users, who have succeeded with this complex tax, but if you are not one of them, do not worry, because you can easily use automatic removal tools, which will delete Windows Antivirus Machine right away.
To start infection’s removal you should start by applying activation code 0W000-000B0-00T00-E0020, as this implementation will work quickest to remove all system’s symptoms, including blocked Internet connection, disabled running of some executables or removed control over Task Manager and Registry Editor access. The code is also capable of disabling such security notifications:
Potential malware detected.
It is recommended to activate protection and perform a thorough system scan to remove the malware.Warning! Spambot detected!
Attention! A spambot is sending viruses from your e-mail has been detected on your PC.
Yes, protect my PC and remove spambot now (Recommended)
Windows Antivirus Machine Video Removal
tested removal of Windows Antivirus Machine* 100% FREE spyware scan and

I guess you have produced some rather fascinating points. Not as well many ppl would actually think about this the direction you just did. I am truly impressed that there is so much about this subject that has been unveiled and you made it so nicely, with so considerably class.
I quote:
It is possible for Windows Antivirus Machine to be infiltrated into your system without any of your knowledge, and you might think that you are installing a video codec or other piece of legal software, when, in reality, it is Windows Antivirus Machine setup that you are running! This is why it is very important to stay guarded when in the virtual space, or use legal security applications, which could perform protection and malware removal tasks for you.
Then I find a link to download some software.
Since anyone can rename virus.exe to antivirus.exe that link shouldn't be trusted. Instead I would suggest you download a decent antivirusprogram from trusted websites.
E.G. Kasperski, AVG, Adata, Symantec, Nod.