may look like a search engine, but it is more than that. Our cyber security experts have classified it as a browser hijacker and recommend that you remove it because it replaces your browser’s homepage address without your consent and features-ad-supported search results that can pose a security threat to your computer. The promotional links featured in its search results can redirect you to malicious websites that can infect your PC with malware or scam sites that will try to lure money from you. Needless to say, this search engine is bad news, so the sooner you get rid of it, the better. Read more »

Aac Ransomware

Aac Ransomware is a new variant of the NMoreira Ransomware infection that was discovered last year. It is believed that both infections were created by the same cyber criminal or group of cyber criminals, but there is no denying that they have many differences. For example, the original ransomware was found to remove itself after the encryption was complete, appropriate registry keys were added, and the ransom note file was created. Our research team has not observed this to be the case with the newer variant. Also, the messages hidden in the launcher file are different. The first original one was specifically addressed to the malware research community, while the new ransomware has a message for researchers who managed to decrypt NMoreira Ransomware. At the time of research, a decryptor that would work with the new version of the threat did not exist, and it is possible that it will not be developed at all. While the decryption of files might be impossible, deleting Aac Ransomware is something anyone can handle, and that should be done sooner rather than later. Read more »

You may find, a potentially risky search engine in your browser after installing a worthless and potentially unwanted browser extension, or a free program you downloaded off of a questionable website. In other words, it is quite possible that you did not install this search engine on purpose and knowingly. You should know that our malware researchers at has labeled this malware infection as a browser hijacker due to its capabilities to modify certain browser settings, including your home page, new tab, and default search engine. Since this hijacker is spread through a Google Chrome browser extension, it seems to only affect your Chrome browser. However, if this browser is your preferred one, you could be exposed to potentially harmful third-party web content every time you launch it, open a new tab, or run a web search from the address bar. The presence of this infection on your computer could also be a sign that other malware threats may have entered your computer. We believe that it is important that you remove from your browser and all other infections you may find in order to restore the previous system security level of your PC. Read more »

VideoBelle Ransomware

VideoBelle Ransomware

VideoBelle Ransomware is yet another ransomware-type computer infection based on the Hidden-Tear project. It is similar to Balbaz Ransomware, Matroska Ransomware, and Oxar Ransomware. All of them are similar, but not identical and this article is dedicated to providing you with the functionality, distribution methods and other peculiarities of VideoBelle Ransomware. Needless to say, you ought to remove this malware as soon as possible because it is set to run each time you boot up your PC, so it can potentially encrypt new files you upload to it. Read more »

Cezar Ransomware

Ransomware infections are one of the most prevalent malicious applications these days. Cezar Ransomware is the newest infection that has fallen into the category of ransomware. The names of these threats change, but they keep acting the same. That is, they try to obtain money from users by any means. Because of this, you might find your screen locked or files encrypted after encountering the ransomware infection. Cezar Ransomware is no exception. It also locks users’ files following the successful entrance on their PCs. Although it does not demand a ransom immediately after encrypting users’ files, specialists at have no doubt that it also wants users’ money. Needless to say, paying cyber criminals money is the worst users can do because instead of getting their files decrypted, they might be left without their money and personal files. To put it differently, they might still not be able to unlock a single file even if they give malware developers the only thing they want. There is no point in transferring cyber criminals money for the decryption of files also because a free decryptor for unlocking files encrypted by Cezar Ransomware has already been released, and it can be downloaded easily from the web. You should find it by entering the “Cezar Ransomware decryptor” search query in the search box of your default search tool. Before you take action to get your files back, make sure the ransomware infection is no longer active on your system because it might lock the decryption, tool making it impossible to use it. Read more »

Defray Ransomware

Defray Ransomware

Defray Ransomware is yet another malicious piece of software that you must remove immediately if it is ever found up and running on your PC. It is nothing more than yet another file-encrypting application that can cause a lot of harm if it is active on your PC even for a short period. Just like any other application of this classification it quickly can lock large quantities of data on the affected computer without any warning or authorization. It is not hard to imagine that such functionality could cause a lot of trouble, especially if you happen to use your PC for work. In this report, we provide detailed information about the inner workings of this ransomware, gathered by our malware experts during their in-depth research. Alongside such information, we also present a few virtual security recommendations and a detailed removal guide so any user that already has Defray Ransomware can delete it without encountering any major problems. Read more »

Pixel World Extension

Pixel World Extension

Pixel World Extension is a potentially risky browser extension that can show up in your Google Chrome browser even if you did not install it knowingly. This is possible because this application is no longer available officially so its publisher uses alternative routes to unsuspecting computer users. Due to the questionable traits it exhibited while being tested, our malware specialists at categorized it as a potentially unwanted program (PUP). This extension provides you with a small pop-up panel that informs you about the number of pixels your screen has, which we consider a relatively worthless function when it comes from a questionable tool. As a matter of fact, this PUP may not be the worst threat on your computer right now. But innocent as it may seem, it may still appear on your computer with a company of malicious programs that, on the other hand, can pose a serious threat to your system with the possible exposure to malicious web content and spying activities. All in all, we suggest that you remove Pixel World Extension from your PC if you prefer peace of mind while being in your virtual world. Read more »

Error Ransomware

Error Ransomware

We want to inform you about a new computer infection called Error Ransomware that was designed to infect your PC secretly and encrypt many of your personal files. Therefore, we recommend that you remove it from your PC. Paying the ransom is a bad idea because there is no guarantee that the cyber criminals will keep their end of the bargain. The sum of money is not stated because you have to contact the criminals to get information on how to pay it. One thing is for sure, however, that they will want you to pay in Bitcoins or some other crypto currency. Read more »


If you face the VOTRE ORDINATEUR A ÉTÉ BLOCKÉ Scam, you do not need to do anything. The last thing you should do is call the number that is represented via the fictitious security alert that it introduces you to. According to malware researchers, there are quite a few different versions of this scam, all of which use different helpline numbers to trick you into communicating with schemers. Needless to say, we do not recommend contacting any bogus helpline numbers because that could lead to serious security problems. Unfortunately, the bogus notification could keep showing up, and it could even hide the mouse cursor or stop you from closing the tab/window representing it. This could trick more gullible users into thinking that their operating systems are infected with malware and that they need the help that is offered via the bogus alert. Obviously, that is not the case. What you should focus on instead is deleting malicious infections and strengthening the protection of your browser. If you want to learn if you need to remove VOTRE ORDINATEUR A ÉTÉ BLOCKÉ Scam-related malware as well, we recommend reading this report. Read more »

Google is Tracking Your Searches

Google is Tracking Your Searches are pop-up advertisements that might be displayed as you browse the Internet. Our researchers at report the ads may suggest installing a questionable application, so users should consider the offer carefully. If you read the rest of the text, we will explain to you how you could encounter Google is Tracking Your Searches pop-ups. In one of the paragraphs, we will present the software that could be advertised by these suspicious pop-up advertisements too. Finally, at the end of the text, we will add deletion instructions made by our specialists. These steps should help you eliminate not just the irritating ads, but also the suspicious software you could have downloaded while clicking them. However, the process might be more complicated than it seems and if it appears to be the case for you, it would be advisable to employ a legitimate security tool instead. Read more »