Some users might be tricked into thinking that is a reliable search tool that can help surf the web more efficiently, but it is most likely that this browser hijacker will corrupt Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer browsers without users’ permission. At the time of research, it was not exactly clear how this threat spreads, but it is possible that a seemingly useful application could be employed to promote it. On the other hand, installers promoted via,, and similar unreliable websites could be used as well. In this case, the hijacker could travel in bundles, and much more serious threats could slither into the operating system along with it. If that happens, focusing solely on the hijacker could be dangerous. That being said, you must delete, and the sooner you do that, the better. Our malware research team has analyzed the hijacker, and it is our strong recommendation that you remove it. If you want to learn why exactly that is important, you need to continue reading this report. Read more »

FlatChestWare Ransomware

FlatChestWare Ransomware

If you come across a new extension .flat appended to your files, you should know that it is a first sign showing that FlatChestWare Ransomware, a HiddenTear-based crypto-threat, has infiltrated your computer. It is one of those nasty infections that enter computers to ruin users’ files. Specifically speaking, it locks users’ files with a strong cipher so that it could easier extract money from them. If you are among those unfortunate users who have found that it is impossible to access a bunch of files, you should, first of all, go to remove the ransomware infection from your computer so that this infection could not cause you more problems. Your files will stay as they are, i.e., encrypted, but you could restore them from a backup you have. If you have never backed up files in your life, the possibility is huge that you could not restore them for free in any other way. Some users need their files back so badly that they are determined to pay money to cyber criminals, but, believe us, making a payment to malicious software developers is a huge mistake, so you should not do that by any means. Read more »

Our researchers say users who surf the Internet with could endanger the device, as the provided search results might be modified and so they may contain links to potentially malicious web pages. Users who do want even to risk coming across such content should erase the application with no hesitation. No need to worry if you do not know how to achieve it; at the end of this report there will be removal instructions you could follow. Also, is considered to be a browser hijacker and according to our specialists at users should be able to delete such a threat with a legitimate antimalware tool too. For more information about this browser hijacker, you should keep reading this report. Read more »

Conversor PDF

Conversor PDF

Conversor PDF might seem like a great tool to have active on your operating system. That is so because it is advertised as a tool that should allow you convert .pdf files to your desired format. While it sounds promising, the reality is rather different. Upon further analysis malware experts at have discovered that this application is capable of intrusive functionality. In fact, due to the inner workings of this program, your online experiences might become annoying and frustrating. Due to such functionality and questionable distribution, our research team has classified this application as yet another potentially unwanted program that should not be active on your PC. Learn more about this suspicious piece of software by reading the rest of our report. Below we also include a detailed removal guide that will help you delete Conversor PDF quickly and easily. Read more »

WininiCrypt Ransomware

WininiCrypt Ransomware is a vicious file-encrypting malware that is after user’s files and even their shadow copies. As a result, the malicious application’s victims may receive a lot of damage, and there might be no way to undo it. In this article, we will present more details about the threat, for example, how users could infect their systems with it, so if you wish to know this malware better, you came to the right place. Moreover, our researchers at have prepared deletion instructions to guide users through the removal process. Thus, users who have no idea how to deal with WininiCrypt Ransomware manually, should not hesitate to use these steps. On the other hand, if the task looks quite difficult, it might be best not to take any chances and employ a legitimate antimalware tool. Read more »



Kariloo is a new browser extension that has caught the attention of our malware experts at because having it in your browser may put your virtual security at risk. This Google Chrome extension promises you "excellent content search" by installing its own search engine as your default and changing your home page and new tab page settings, too. Due to its capabilities, we have labeled this threat as a browser hijacker. It is quite likely that you did not even install this tool knowingly. In that case it could mean that there are other malware threats on your system as well. These infections may expose you to dangerous third-party content that could cause further system security issues for you, not to mention the possibility of privacy breach and online scams. Since you cannot trust the search results this browser hijacker presents to you either, we believe that it is best for you to remove Kariloo as soon as possible to protect your PC from malicious attacks. Please read on to find out more about this malware infection and how you may be able to avoid such threats in the future. Read more »

Chrome Settings Button

Chrome Settings Button

Chrome Settings Button is one of the browser extensions presenting themselves as useful software. Its description available on its official website specifies what it should do – add a button on Google Chrome browser allowing users to access its settings with a single click. Although this might sound like an advantage, we are not so sure that this piece of software is very beneficial because it is not hard to access the browser’s settings without it as well. On top of that, we cannot confirm that it is a fully trustworthy extension. Specialists at have classified this extension as a potentially unwanted program (PUP) because they have found evidence that it might perform undesirable activities on users’ computers, which is definitely not a feature of reliable software. It should be emphasized that potentially unwanted applications are not as harsh as real malware; however, their presence might still have undesirable outcomes, so, in the opinion of our specialists, such a program should not be kept active on the system. You will find all its drawbacks listed in the next two paragraphs of this article, so if you still have not arrived at a final decision regarding the future of Chrome Settings Button, you should continue reading this article. Read more »

Cyron Ransomware

Cyron Ransomware

Cyron Ransomware can infect your computer by stealth and then encrypt many of your files with an AES encryption algorithm. Its creators want you to pay 50 Euros, which means that this program was created to be distributed in the Eurozone countries in Europe. We recommend not wasting your time trying to pay the ransom because you might not get the promised decryptor/decryption tool, so you might also lose your money. For this reason, we advise that you remove this program as soon as you can. To find out more about it, please read this whole article. Read more »

Kappa Ransomware

Kappa Ransomware

A new ransomware infection has been discovered by our research team, and it goes by the name Kappa Ransomware. By the time you are reading this, the malicious ransomware might have been unleashed already, and your personal files might have been encrypted, but at the time of our research, this threat was still in development stages. The sample that our malware researchers have tested had a fully functional encryption and decryption algorithm, and it could connect to a remote server to transfer certain information. It was found that the threat could record technical details about the infected computer, and some of it could be used to create the so-called Client ID. It was found that this ID is a combination of the MAC Address and the Processor ID, as well as the Hard Drive serial number. This ID is sent to a remote server ( along with the encryption key that is used for the corruption of files. Also, you are introduced to this ID via a window that the infection launches right after the encryption is complete. Unfortunately, your files will remain encrypted if you delete Kappa Ransomware, but, of course, removing this threat is crucial. Read more »

Ransom Prank Ransomware

Ransom Prank Ransomware

Ransom Prank Ransomware is not a program that you want to have fully active on your personal computer. If unfortunately, this intrusive application is already active on your PC, make sure to execute its complete removal right away. It is critical to do so because this program, like a lot of other applications classified as ransomware, might be capable of locking vast quantities of data in just a few moments. It goes without saying that due to such functionality you might have to face disastrous outcomes. For further information regarding the overall functionality of this intrusive program, make sure to read the rest of our detailed report. Besides all of that, you will also find a few virtual security recommendations to help you avoid various suspicious and malicious programs. Finally, to delete Ransom Prank Ransomware in just a few simple steps, make sure to follow the detailed instructions that we present below. Read more »