Hand of God Ransomware is a type of ransomware infection we have not seen in quite a while. It seems that someone remembered the workings of the old Ukash Ransomware and now tries to apply to the new wave of ransomware infections. The way this infection functions reminds us of the screen-locking programs we dealt with several years ago, but the ransom note and the money transfer method is similar to those of the encrypting infections. You can find the removal instructions on Hand of God Ransomware right below this description, and the most important thing to notice here is that you should not panic. Read more »
Author Archives: Max Lehmann - Page 51
Jhash Ransomware
Specialists at anti-spyware-101.com have come across a new HiddenTear-based ransomware infection Jhash Ransomware recently. It is a nasty threat that has been developed by cyber criminals to obtain money from users more easily, so it will not miss a chance to encrypt your files and demand a ransom if it ever manages to slither onto your computer. The chances are high that this infection has already infiltrated your computer if you find it impossible to open your pictures, documents, videos, and other valuable files in a bunch of different directories. The majority of crypto-threats encrypt users’ personal files, but you can be sure that Jhash Ransomware is the one you have encountered if those files you can no longer access have .locky, the filename extension, appended. What should be your next move? You must delete the ransomware infection from your computer right away after discovering this threat. Your files will stay as they are, i.e. encrypted, but you should still not send a cent to malicious software developers because you will just encourage them to release more threats by doing that. Read more »
Snitou.com Redirect
Snitou.com Redirect is classified as a browser hijacker, which means that this application changes your browser’s settings without your permission. However, at a closer look, we can see that this intruder is directly associated with a Chrome extension, so it is possible to say that Snitou.com Redirect would not enter your computer if it were not for the extension it is associated with. Thus, if you want to remove this intruder, you need to delete the extension that brings in the potential threat. While you are at it, you should also consider running a full system scan with a licensed antispyware tool because you are bound to have more potential threats on-board. Read more »
Sowin8.com is a search engine which also falls to the category of browser hijackers. The search engine could be set as the home page of the Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox browsers in several ways. Browser hijackers are usually distributed by software setup files and phishing emails distributing fraudulent email attachments. Hence, it is crucial to always pay attention to the information provided by software installers or prompt warnings.
Sowin8.com belongs to the browser hijacker group ELEX, which also includes luckystarting.com, amisites.com, trotux.com, and some other hijackers. As well as its counterparts, Sowin8.com does not have any outstanding characteristics, so the changes made on browsers may remain unnoticed by inattentive computer users, which is highly appreciated by cyber criminals. The longer the hijacker remains on a browser, the more benefit it gets for its authors. Our team at anti-spyware-101.com highly recommends that you remove Sowin8.com from the computer, which you can do with the help of a removal guide provided at the very end of this review. Read more »
Search.searchtpg.com is a new search tool released by Polarity Technologies Ltd. It has been observed that it might change users’ homepage without their knowledge, so it is usually classified as a browser hijacker by experienced researchers. Have you already found your browsers hijacked too? If you answer yes to this question, you should remove the search tool set from all affected browsers as soon as possible because Search.searchtpg.com is not exactly what it seems to be, i.e. it is not a legitimate search provider. Consequently, you should not use it to perform web searches either. If you need a detailed explanation why this page is not considered one of the trustworthy search providers, you should read this entire article, focusing on the second and third paragraphs. If you decide to get rid of this search tool, you will find more about its removal in the last paragraph. As you will see for yourself, it is not that hard to remove Search.searchtpg.com from browsers even though it cannot be erased through Control Panel like a normal program because it only sets itself as a new homepage. In other words, it does not apply any serious modifications that would be hard to undo. Read more »
Gr3g Ransomware
If your operating system has been attacked by Gr3g Ransomware, then you might have noticed that some files cannot be opened and that the “.Gr3g” extension is appended to their names. This particular threat has been developed to encrypt your files, and if it does that successfully, its creator can use it to deliver demands as well. In most cases, when it comes to file-encrypting ransomware, cyber criminals want money, and they tend to promise victims decryption keys or tools that allegedly can be used for the decryption of personal files. Anti-Spyware-101.com researchers have a lot of experience with this kind of malware, and we can say that the chances of you getting a decryptor after fulfilling all demands are close to none. In fact, the decryption is likely to be possible only if a decryption key is revealed by malware experts, and this has not happened yet. Needless to say, you should not pay attention to cyber criminals, and, instead, you should focus on deleting Gr3g Ransomware. Read more »
Strawhat Ransomware
Strawhat Ransomware is a self-named infection that cyber criminals are creating to attack vulnerable operating systems and encrypt files on them. At the time of research, this hijacker was not fully developed yet, which is why it is still hard to say how this malware is distributed or how exactly it works, but we have enough information to warn you about it and teach you how to delete it from your operating system if it manages to slither in. Our research team at Anti-Spyware-101.com has analyzed the current version – which is unfinished – of the malicious file-encryptor, and we can help you understand it better too. It is most important to note that it is crucial to keep your operating system protected against this malware because once it slithers in, there is little anyone can do to help you out. If you do not want to suffer the encryption of your personal files, you need to make sure that you guard your operating system and personal data, and we discuss how to do that as well. So, if you are interested in our security tips or the removal of Strawhat Ransomware, this is the article you need to read. Read more »
Wo Sind Meine Dateien Ransomware
Wo Sind Meine Dateien Ransomware is one more devious piece of software that should not be up and running on your personal computer. If you ever find it active on your personal computer, make sure to execute its complete removal right away. You must do so because this malicious application is infamous for its devious functionality. As it turns out, it might cause damage to your data without any notification or authorization. It goes without saying that having such ransomware program active on your personal computer, might lead to devastating outcomes. In our report, we provide in-depth information about the functionality of this malicious program. Additionally, we include a few virtual security tips that you should take to maintain a fully secure operating system at all times. To remove Wo Sind Meine Dateien Ransomware once and for all without encountering any major problems, make use of the detailed instructions that we present below. Read more »
Offers Chasers
If you cannot stand coupons and other irritating advertisements Offers Chasers could disturb your browsing. That is because the application’s primary function appears to be showing targeted advertisements from different third parties. It is one of the reasons why the tool falls under the classification of PUPs (short for potentially unwanted programs). Also, users who encounter it should be aware the displayed ads may not necessarily come from reliable websites. To put it more simply, there is a chance they could come from potentially harmful web pages as well. For this reason, our researchers at Anti-spyware-101.com recommend erasing the Offers Chasers before anything bad happens. Users who cannot decide yet could read the text first, and as for those who wish to remove it faster, we advise checking the last paragraph and the instructions located below it. Read more »
Zip4NewTab Chrome Extension
Zip4NewTab Chrome Extension is a suspicious browser plugin that may encourage you to browse the Internet with an untrustworthy search engine called 4newtab.com/zip. The most annoying part is the software might do this by changing user’s default start page, search provider, or new tab page. Moreover, researchers at Anti-spyware-101.com are saying the application may offer to install another questionable tool, and it could act in a similarly irritating manner right after it gets installed. Thus, it is no wonder the tool was categorized as a potentially unwanted program (PUP). Accordingly, we advise against its usage and to help users delete Zip4NewTab Chrome Extension from Google Chrome we have prepared removal instructions showing how to get rid of the PUP step by step. Read more »