Author Archives: Max Lehmann - Page 321

Disk Repair

Disk Repair is nothing more than a false disk repair tool which will do everything it can in order to try and make your computer system a living nightmare until you purchase a certain license which actually does not exist. This is one big scam which was created by serious cybercriminals uses aggressive methods to install the Disk Repair program into ones computer without notice. Furthermore Disk Repair program will show massive amounts of warning messages that look just like real Windows messages. Disk Repair may even block all major security programs. All this is done to create an illusion that Disk Repair is the only way your computer will get fixed. Read more »

Personal Internet Security 2011

Personal Internet Security 2011 is a fake software and all computer users should know about this. In order to be able to protect your computer system against Personal Internet Security 2011 it important you understand exactly what it is and exactly what Personal Internet Security 2011 does. The truth is that Personal Internet Security 2011 is a false security tool that will try and convince you otherwise. Read more »

HDD Doctor

You need to avoid HDD Doctor because it is simply a fake defragmenter program which is guaranteed to cause you many computer problems and result in your computer system displaying warning messages which are not real. By the help of powerful Trojans HDD Doctor may block various security programs, disable internet connection and show various warning messages that disturb your work. Read more »

Antivirus 2010

The truth is that Antivirus 2010 will not save your computer system because it is the problem itself. Antivirus 2010 is a rogue antispyware application that has been created by malicious people who only have malicious purposes in mind. In fact when it comes to Antivirus 2010 do not be surprised if the speed and the performance of your computer system decrease dramatically. Also do not be surprised if you find that you are unable to go to certain websites which are security related. Read more »

Support Tool 2011

Support Tool 2011 was created by a bunch of malicious people who only have malicious intentions in mind. Inclusive in their malicious intentions was stealing your money and giving you nothing back in return except for computer problems and a computer system which is infected with Support Tool 2011. Support Tool 2011 has no real scanning or fixing features - it only shows fake warning messages and reports in order to scare computer users. Read more »

Personal Security Sentinel

The worst part about Personal Security Sentinel is the fact that it will pretend to be something which it is not. In fact Personal Security Sentinel is going to do everything within it's power to make you believe that your machine is infected. This is done in order to try and make you purchase the full version which in reality does not exist. Do not be fooled by the false system scan,false system scan report results as well as the false computer security notifications. Read more »

HDD Help

HDD Help is becoming more and more popular as well as it's clones. You should know that HDD Help will not help your computer system at all and is going to only result in it experiencing many problems. Inclusive in theses problems may be a false system scan which generates false system scan report results all in one big effort to try and trick innocent computer users. No matter what HDD Help tries to convince you,just know that there are no threats on your computer system except for HDD Help itself. This is why the removal of HDD Help is very important and should be done immediately. Read more »

Privacy Corrector

Privacy orrectoris nothing like the name suggests and will not help your PC in any way. No matter how much Privacy Corrector will try to convince you, you need to know that Privacy Corrector is harmful and is actually a rogue computer management application that has been created by malicious people in order to steal your money and infect your PC. Privacy Corrector will result in false system scans to appear which are going to look extremely real, don't fall for this as it is all fake. You may then see false scan report results which will be a list of all types of threats which it says you have on your machine and again it is important to be aware of the factor that this is false and is not to be trusted or taken seriously. Read more »

Hard Drive Diagnostic

Hard Drive Diagnostic is a fake software that is presented as one that could optimize your PC. We should start by saying that Hard Drive Diagnostic is usually installed by the help of trojans. Hard Drive Diagnostic will show various error messages and fake scan reports saying you have memory problems in Your PC and must fix them immediately. Read more »

Disk Doctor

If You've come to this post You must be wondering - what the hell is this Disk Doctor doing in my Computer. The answer is it was installed into Your PC without Your permission. It is usually installed when a computer user tries to install an uncertified video codec, or opens up a link in an e-mail attachment or clicks on a pop-up which tells something about your computer. After one click, A trojan is injected through a computer security hole. Read more »