What is Disk Doctor?
If You've come to this post You must be wondering - what the hell is this Disk Doctor doing in my Computer. The answer is it was installed into Your PC without Your permission. It is usually installed when a computer user tries to install an uncertified video codec, or opens up a link in an e-mail attachment or clicks on a pop-up which tells something about your computer. After one click, A trojan is injected through a computer security hole.
This Trojan then runs a series of commands and after a couple of minutes, Disk Doctor is presented to Your PC. Disk Doctor will show many warning messages and computer scan results about Your Hard drive problems. One must understand that all these messages are not real and must be ignored. Furthermore Disk Doctor may hide various files and folders in order to scare a computer users, and force him to buy a license for Disk Doctor.
Don't be tricked into this scam. Disk Doctor is a fake program incapable of any disk fixing operations and should be removed as soon as possible.
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