Author Archives: Max Lehmann - Page 148



BrowsePlus is an advertising-supported application that is compatible with Google Chrome. If it ever enters your system or you download it yourself, you will start seeing commercial ads on your screen. The program also promises to provide you with the best deals and inform you where you can buy the particular item for a lower price. It might really seem that BrowsePlus can help you to save money. In addition, it also promises to “save you a great amount of time.” This program makes many promises and it seems that it has been published in order to improve users’ online shopping experience. Therefore, it is not surprising at all that many users believe that BrowsePlus is a perfect application. Of course, we cannot say that it is as harmful as Trojans, rootkits, and other similar threats; however, there is still a risk that it will put your system in danger. If you do not want this to happen, you should really get rid of BrowsePlus and then install another trustworthy program. Read more »

Solid YouTube Downloader and Converter

Solid YouTube Downloader and Converter

What kind of videos are you going to download/convert using Solid YouTube Downloader and Converter? If you are going to use this potentially unwanted program to acquire and distribute copyrighted material, you should think twice about it. This kind of activity is punishable by law, and we are sure that you do not want to break it. Of course, you might be able to find YouTube videos that are shared with everyone, but you might be crossing a fine line here. It is very hard to say what the intentions of DreamVideoSoft Inc. are, but it is possible that they do not care about providing a tool that could be used for stealing content. In fact, our researchers are convinced that this company cares only about generating a profit. Read more » is definitely not good news if it shows up in your browsers. Its presence in your browsers means that your computer may have been attacked by a misleading browser extension that our researchers at have identified to be NewTabTV. It is quite possible that this extension sets as your new home page without your consent. That is an act against your privacy, which should not be overlooked. This search engine is rather questionable even if it may not be a harmful malware infection. There are still potential threats in keeping this on your computer. Since you may be having multiple virtual security problems right now, we suggest that you delete from your browsers along with all other malware threats that can be associated with it. If you continue reading our report, you will learn more about the risks of this infection and how you can make your problems go away. Read more » is a browser hijacker that tries to convince you it is a useful search provider. However, this program enters your system uninvited, and if you are not careful enough, you may end up getting infected with severe computer threats. Thus, the best way to avoid such infections is to nip the problem in the bud. For that, you will have to remove from your computer immediately, but that will not be all. Browser hijackers often come bundled with freeware, so you need to scan your PC with a licensed antispyware tool to find other potential threats that might be slowing down your system. Read more » is a questionable program to say the least. In fact, due to its questionable functionality, it has been classified as a bad search engine. If, unfortunately, your operating system is already infected with this invasive application, you must know that its removal should not be delayed. This is so because the intrusive search engine will only cause various disruptions almost every single time you will decide to browse the web. If you wish to restore your default browser’s settings you need to conduct a complete removal of this search engine. Our malware researchers at have crafted a detailed removal guide that is easy to use and will help you get rid of in the quickest way possible. Make sure to read the rest of this article to find out how this infectious program works and why it must be terminated right now. Read more » is a web domain used by a browser hijacker that enters your computer surreptitiously. Your default homepage and search engine will be changed without your permission, but you should be careful whenever you browse freeware websites because and other similar hijackers seldom can enter target computers without user’s permission. While they do not inform you about the oncoming installation, the bottom’s line is that users initiate the actual download themselves. Consequently, you can remove from your system as well. While you are at it, you should also take care of all the other potential threats that might have entered your system with this browser hijacker. Read more »



PiccShare is an advertisement-supported program that offers you a more convenient way to share your photos. It says you will save time because with it only a single click would be required to publish the selected image on a social network or send it via email. However, the program is 100% free not because of the good will of its creators, but because it allows third-party advertising. In addition, this program sometimes tricks users by coming to computers unnoticed. All in all, it is up to you to decide whether to keep PiccShare or remove it, but we speak for the second option. Read more »



Our computer security experts categorize Musicloud as adware. This means that this program mostly displays commercial content with the intention to make you click it. The problem with adware programs is that they seldom check whether the third-party commercial content they display is reliable or not. This presents several security loops that could be easily exploited by cyber criminals. Therefore, inadvertently, Musicloud could expose you to malicious security threats, and it could also lead to a malware infection. Before any of that happens, scroll down to the bottom of this article and follow the manual removal instructions that inform you how to remove Musicloud. Read more »

Ninja Ransomware

Ninja Ransomware

Ninja Ransomware is one of the most annoying and disturbing types of computer infections out there. It is a ransomware program, and as such it demands that the infected user paid a ransom fee in order to decrypt her files. There are several types of ransomware infections, and this malicious program is the straightforward type that does not try to hide the fact it is a computer infection. What’s more, the program encrypts your most important files and says that you can only get them back if you pay up. Do not succumb to these threats and remove Ninja Ransomware from your system immediately. Read more »



Although most advertisement-supported programs are equally as obnoxious and unreliable, some of them are more complex than others. Groover is that kind of an advertisement-supported program, and this is because it can replace dnsapi.dll, a dynamic link library file that helps programs to function. Unfortunately, if this file is replaced, it will be difficult to eliminate adware from your operating system. Although uninstalling this program is an easy and straightforward process, replacing the corrupted file with the original Windows file can be a challenge, especially if you are not experienced. We will guide you through all of the processes necessary to remove Groover, and all you need to do right now is read. Read more »