Author Archives: Max Lehmann - Page 145



Awesome-Promos is yet another “money-saver” from the notorious Multiplug family of useless adware applications, but the only ones making money out of it will be the creators. Of course, they could not make a cent if there were not unsuspecting users clicking on the advertisements, best offers, and deals they are presented with by this adware. Without the users’ “support” no criminals could make a nice living and make up newer useless applications while cruising with their private yachts on the sea. Read more »

InkRevealed Toolbar

InkRevealed Toolbar

InkRevealed Toolbar is a potentially unwanted application that security-minded users should no longer keep installed on their computers. This program presents itself as a browser extension that unites ideas for tattoos and piercings. It also offers a free image gallery. Read more »

Do you consider yourself a cautious computer user? If you are cautious, will not slither into your operating system. However, if this hijacker has taken over your browsers, certain security cracks must exist in your virtual security. If you do not patch them right away, many malicious programs could infiltrate your operating system. Read more »



SpeedVideoPlayer is a program that will help you to create video and audio playlists in one click. The program is promoted on, but it is also known that it might enter systems in a bundle with other suspicious programs. If you have already detected it on your PC, carefully think whether you really want to keep this program installed. In our opinion, you should not keep it because this program is known to be a potentially unwanted program. Read more »



According to the developers of HaggleDazzle, this application is very useful because it will enable users to compare prices and will provide them with various deals and promotional codes. Even though the publisher of this MultiPlug adware says that HaggleDazzle is very decent and useful, you should delete it from your computer as soon as you can. Read more »



PackEditorTools claims to be a useful application that packs “all the design tools in one,” but what you really get is third-party advertisements instead that may lead you to more malware infections. Having this ad-supported program on your PC may mean that you have visited freeware websites lately and installed a software package. In that case, there may be more threats on your computer that you can manually manage. Read more »

Temperature Scout

Temperature Scout

Temperature Scout is an application that will keep you informed about the temperature in your area. It seems that it will detect your location automatically and then provide you with the weather forecast. You will see it in the small window at the bottom-right corner of your desktop. Temperature Scout seems to be a really promising program, so users often download and install it on their systems from its official website Read more »



Adware programs are quite common nowadays. Once such ad-supported program is known as SelectionToolkit and should be removed at the very same moment that it is found running on your operating system. Unfortunately, quite often unsuspecting Internet users are simply tricked into downloading and installing this worthless piece of software. This is so because vendors of this invasive program use devious marketing strategies. On the official website, this adware program is promoted as a tool that should ease up your searches. Read more »

SendFilesFree Toolbar

SendFilesFree Toolbar

Make sure to avoid an application known as SendFilesFree Toolbar since it is nothing more than yet another invasive toolbar. Unfortunately, quite a few users have their PC infected with this intrusive toolbar mostly because they are tricked into downloading and installing it. This is so since this application is advertised as a great tool that should help you send various files right from your web browser. Read more »

There are thousands of unreliable search tools that were created to scam computer users, and the suspicious is likely to be unreliable as well. This tool – which is identical to the infamous – currently does not work as a search provider, but that does not stop it from performing in a potentially malicious manner. Read more »