Monthly Archives: October 2017 - Page 4

Crypto-Loot Miner

Are you familiar with Bitcoins? If you are not, understanding Crypto-Loot  Miner can be quite challenging. Bitcoin is a virtual cryptocurrency that allows different parties to make transactions online without having to deal with banks. Bitcoins are created using a process called “mining.” A miner is an instrument that is used for the process, and they process transactions in return of new Bitcoins. That means that someone participating in the mining process earns money. For the most part, software is used to help everyone interested in this, but, unsurprisingly, new methods are created to make mining easier and more extensive. Right now, everyone is talking about miners that are embedded in websites. When the user visits the website, the CPU (central processing unit) of the user’s system is employed for the mining process. The money, of course, does not fall into the pocket of the visitor, but, instead, the party responsible for embedding the JavaScript. Can you delete Crypto-Loot Miner? Only website owners can do that. Read more »


Viiperware, which is also known by malware researchers as Viiperware Ransomware, is a new malicious threat that seems to be in its test phase only but it can already cause some headaches. This ransomware program is in fact based on the well-known Hidden Tear Ransomware, which is an open-source program that was originally designed for security specialists as an educational project. However, hackers and wannabes started to use it as a good base for ransomware infections. Although this particular version cannot yet cause total devastation on your computer, it certainly has the skills to do so in the near future once it gets finished. Right now it only encrypts your files in one test directory and it only asks for a small ransom fee in exchange for the decryption key, which is indeed saved on your system and can be used to recover any possibly encrypted files. Fortunately, it is not too complicated to remove Viiperware from your system but before you do so, let us tell you more about this threat as it can soon turn into a real beast. Read more »


If commercial advertisements coming from the Moatads advertising domain bother you every day and you cannot get rid of them, it means that you a) keep visiting some kind of dubious page that contains these ads or b) you have encountered some kind of malicious application. Unfortunately, it is usually the latter case, as specialists working at have noticed. We believe that malware has successfully entered your computer and modified the hosts file right away too. If you take no action, irritating commercial advertisements will keep appearing on your screen, and you might even be one day exposed to potential threats. This is one of the main reasons we cannot allow you to live with Moatads advertisements on your screen. We do not promise that it will be easy to eliminate those ads, but we are sure you will still make them all gone with our help, so start the removal procedure immediately after you finish reading this article. Read more » is not your average search engine as it can get onto your computer without your knowledge or permission because it is a browser hijacker. Therefore, you might want to remove it and restore your old homepage address. However, if you use for searching the web, then be warned that it will collect some anonymous information about you and present you with customized promotional links that can redirect you to somewhat unreliable websites. While this is not guaranteed to happen, the likelihood of this happening is strong. Read more »


Kovter.c is not the kind of malware that uses camouflages and tries to convince users that it is harmless. It is also not the kind of malware that shows up, reveals its true nature, and then demands something. This malware is much more clandestine than that, and it banks on staying invisible. Unfortunately, it is usually successful at that because it runs from the Windows Registry. You will not find malicious processes in the Task Manager, and you will not find suspicious files. Due to this, many victims do not know that this threat exists on their operating systems at all. If you are researching the removal of this malicious Trojan, the chances are that you have been introduced to the threat by a legitimate malware scanner. If you are still not sure if you need to delete Kovter.c from your operating system, it is crucial that you install and run a legitimate and up-to-date malware scanner immediately. Remember that the malicious infection could be identified with different names by different malware scanners. Read more » is a search engine that is also dubbed as a browser hijacker. The reason why falls to the category of browser hijackers is that this search replaces users' home pages and default search providers without prior notice. Visually, the search engine does not differ from other search engines, but those who have had some experience with browser hijackers would easily suspect as somewhat questionable. If all you care about at the moment is how to remove, move down to the very end of this report to find our removal guide. Interested readers are invited to continue reading how the browser hijacker works and  what basic preventative measures should be taken in advance of all types of cyber attacks. Read more »

Microsoft Windows Got De-Activated

Microsoft Windows Got De-Activated is quite similar to another fictitious system notification called Network Security Breach Tech Support Scam. Both of them mention same error code (0x00AEM001489), and both of them ask to enter Windows Product key. Nonetheless, this other variant seems to be slightly different, and if you continue reading our text, you will find out what our researchers at were able to discover. No doubt, the reason you are here is not just to learn more about where the fake notification comes from or how it affects the system, but also to find a way to erase Microsoft Windows Got De-Activated from your computer. If this is the case, we can offer the deletion instructions available below this article. Users who need more help with its removal or have other questions are welcome to leave us a comment too. Read more »

MetroWhiz Toolbar

MetroWhiz Toolbar

MetroWhiz Toolbar is a new questionable browser extension that offers free transit maps, fares, and schedules as well as a search engine; however, our malware experts at say that this is yet another bad toolbar from the infamous Mindspark Interactive Network, Inc. This family has produced tons of potentially unwanted programs (PUP) like this, including ConvertDocsOnline ToolbarGifsGalore Toolbar, and Formfetcherpro Toolbar to mention a few from the most recent ones. Although this features search page may present to you with quick links to reliable third-party pages, its search engine may introduce you to potentially unreliable third-party content. It is also possible that this PUP comes on board alongside malicious software installers that can actually cause serious harm by exposing you to malicious websites and advertisements while you are surfing the web. All in all, it is advisable for you to remove MetroWhiz Toolbar from your computer if you care about your system security. Read more » is not an application that you cannot trust in any way. During the in-depth analysis of this program, malware experts at have classified it as a browser hijacker. Such category has been assigned due to invasive functionality. Like any other application of this category, the one in question functions aggressively. As it turns out, it can easily change your browser's default settings without any warning whatsoever, which is frustrating to put it lightly. Furthermore, it is critical to note the fact that in some instances this intrusive application might be the primary reason other questionable and even potentially malicious program could enter your operating system without a lot of trouble. To have a better understanding of the inner workings and dangers regarding, make sure to read the rest of this article. Finally, below we provide a detailed removal guide that you should use to get rid of this browser hijacker in just a few simple steps. Read more »

Lite PDF Reader

Lite PDF Reader

If you are looking for a good PDF reader, we do not recommend trusting Lite PDF Reader. This PDF reader might be free, but it might come at a price of your virtual security. If you install it onto your Windows operating system, you agree to have personal information recorded and also shared with unknown parties. While most service providers use data trackers to record information about users, not all record private information and then share it with parties that are kept hidden. Does that make you trust the suspicious PDF reader? Of course, it does not, and that is one of the main reasons users choose to delete Lite PDF Reader. malware analysts have analyzed this suspicious piece of software, and it is concluded that it works as a potentially unwanted program (PUP). Even if you find it beneficial, there are elements to this PUP that make it unreliable or useless. If you wish to learn more about this, as well as the removal process, please continue reading the report. Read more »