Gandcrab 3 Ransomware most likely comes from the same creators who developed GandCrab Ransomware and Gandcrab2 Ransomware. Our researchers report the malicious application is not much different from the other two mentioned infections. Apparently, it may apply a different second extension to the files it enciphers, show a bit modified ransom note, and change the user’s background picture (none of the previous versions were set to replace the wallpaper). If your files were affected by this malicious program, it would be a good idea to learn more about it and reading our full report should help you achieve that. Besides the information about Gandcrab 3 Ransomware we can also offer manual deletion instructions that should be available at the end of this article. Nevertheless, if you find you might be unable to remove the infection manually, we would recommend using a legitimate antimalware tool instead. Read more »
Monthly Archives: June 2018 - Page 7
.MTXLOCK File Extension
If you suddenly find the .MTXLOCK File Extension (full extension is “.[].MTXLOCK”) attached to your personal files, and they cannot be opened, you must be dealing with the MTXLOCK Ransomware. Ransomware is the kind of malware that demands a payment in return for something that the victim needs. In most cases, files are encrypted, and a decryptor or a decryption key is offered as an incentive to pay the ransom. research team cannot disclose the specific fee that the creator of this particular infection has on their mind because that, allegedly, depends on how fast the victim communicates with them. Of course, it is possible that the exact same ransom is demanded from every single victim, but we cannot know this for sure. If you have contacted cyber crooks, and they made a request for a specific sum, you can share that with us via the comments section. Here, you can also ask questions, answers to which you might not find in this report. Of course, we hope that you will know what to do and how to delete .MTXLOCK File Extension Ransomware by the time you are done reading. Read more »
OnTargetYoga Extension
There are tons of potentially unwanted programs out there on the Internet. Malware researchers at have identified yet another application of this classification, which goes by the name of OnTargetYoga Extension. If you ever come across it, be sure to refrain from it at all times. It is essential to note that this potentially unwanted program could act in an incredibly intrusive manner. It can make undesirable modifications to your browser's default settings. As a consequence of such functionality, browsing the Internet will become a much more annoying and frustrating experience, to put it lightly. Read more »
Crossout.lnk has been classified as an adware helper by researchers at Users find it dropped on their Desktops after downloading and installing some kind of program from the web. You might wonder how this adware helper manages to appear on the system out of the blue, and we have a very simple explanation for you. It travels in software bundles and is dropped on users’ computers when they install the software bundle, which suggests that they contribute to its appearance in some respect. There is nothing beneficial about Crossout.lnk, so if you have located it on your computer, you should simply remove it. This shortcut is far from malicious software. We could not even call it dangerous, but you should still remove it. Do not keep suspicious items that have been dropped on your computer without your knowledge and make sure they do not have a chance to enter your system illegally again. Luckily, you will delete the shortcut dropped on your Desktop easily and quickly this time. Continue reading if you need more information. Read more »