What is .MTXLOCK File Extension?
If you suddenly find the .MTXLOCK File Extension (full extension is “.[RestoreFile@qq.com].MTXLOCK”) attached to your personal files, and they cannot be opened, you must be dealing with the MTXLOCK Ransomware. Ransomware is the kind of malware that demands a payment in return for something that the victim needs. In most cases, files are encrypted, and a decryptor or a decryption key is offered as an incentive to pay the ransom. Anti-Spyware-101.com research team cannot disclose the specific fee that the creator of this particular infection has on their mind because that, allegedly, depends on how fast the victim communicates with them. Of course, it is possible that the exact same ransom is demanded from every single victim, but we cannot know this for sure. If you have contacted cyber crooks, and they made a request for a specific sum, you can share that with us via the comments section. Here, you can also ask questions, answers to which you might not find in this report. Of course, we hope that you will know what to do and how to delete .MTXLOCK File Extension Ransomware by the time you are done reading.
What does the .MTXLOCK File Extension represent?
As you now know, the .MTXLOCK File Extension is unique to MTXLOCK Ransomware. Other threats that our research team has discussed (including Scarab-Oblivion Ransomware, TripleM Ransomware, and Bkransomware Ransomware), all use extensions that are unique to them. Unfortunately, more and more ransomware infections emerge, and they even use the same distribution techniques, which indicates that users are still careless. If you do not want to attract malware, you have to be careful about interacting with links that are shared via social media, as well as online advertisements. Downloading freeware can be dangerous as well. Amongst all vulnerabilities, of course, cyber criminals love spam emails the most, and many threats are found to be introduced to victims as harmless attachment files. When the malicious MTXLOCK Ransomware – which shares similarities with Matrix9643@yahoo.com Ransomware – finally invades the system, it immediately encrypts files and attaches the .MTXLOCK File Extension to their names. The data is encrypted using RSA-2048 and AES-128 ciphers, and decrypting files manually is not possible. Furthermore, files are not automatically decrypted when the ransomware is removed.
#Decrypt_files_ReadMe#.rtf” is the one file that MTXLOCK Ransomware creates. This file represents a message that provides more information about the situation. For example, it reveals that all data with the .MTXLOCK File Extension is encrypted using RSA-2048 and AES-128 ciphers. The purpose of the message, of course, is to make the victim contact cyber criminals. Two different methods are offered: By email (RestoreFile@qq.com, RestoreFile@yahoo.com, and RestoreFile2018@gmail.com must all be emailed) or by BitMessenger (address is BM-2cVeq4HtLaXPGTamXgv5rvwDjypapmy8irR).Cyber criminals need to establish this communication just so that they could provide you ransom payment-related information. Although you can send three files to have decrypted for free, you should not trust cyber criminals. Most likely, the photos, documents, and all other personal data with .MTXLOCK File Extension would be not decrypted after the ransom payment. That being said, even if you cannot recover your personal files, you need to delete the malicious ransomware, and we have a few removal tips for you.
How to delete .MTXLOCK File Extension Ransomware
You cannot do anything about the files with the .MTXLOCK File Extension appended to them. It would be great if you had backups stored externally, in which case there is nothing else to worry about but the removal of the ransomware. If you have never even thought about backing up data, we hope that you will start doing this when you start creating new personal files. Now, let’s discuss the removal. Do you have a concrete plan to remove .MTXLOCK File Extension-related malware? If you are hoping to erase this infection manually, you need to think carefully if you have the experience for that. Needless to say, whether or not manual removal is possible, installing anti-malware software is the best option because it can solve several problems at the same time. First, it can delete all existing threats. Second, it can protect the system. If this is taken care of, and your files are backed up, you will not need to fear file-encrypting ransomware.
Removal Instructions
- Delete the file named #Decrypt_files_ReadMe#.rtf.
- Delete the malicious executable of the ransomware (you can delete all recently downloaded suspicious files in the hopes of eliminating the file if you are not sure where to find it).
- Scan the system using a legitimate malware scanner to make sure you do not overlook any threats.
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