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BobyZoom is an annoying application that will turn your web browsing sessions into a nightmare if you don’t remove it quickly. The program has been created to generate financial profit for its developers, so it does not really care what happens to you in the end. BobyZoom may not be there to infect you with malware, but this is a scenario you should not rule out, as adware programs are often exploited in malware distribution schemes. Please get rid of this application for the sake of your system’s security, and get yourself a licensed antispyware tool. Read more »


SaleOffer is a browser extension that was created using the Justplugit engine. The main distributor of this application is Installrex, but our malware researchers have discovered that other third-parties, including Amonetize and Vittalia, could be used to distribute this application as well. Even though it is impossible to say whether or not this program will be installed alongside malicious programs, you need to keep in mind that this is a possibility. It is especially important to remember this after you remove SaleOffer from your operating system, because many users forget about it and fail to remove the remaining threats. Our malware researchers have created this removal guide to help you delete all undesirable computer infections. Read more »

Zoom Zoom

Zoom Zoom

Zoom Zoom is nothing more than an advertisement-supported program so we recommend that you do not hesitate to remove it from your system. Like Useful Program, Pine Tree, Strong Signal, and numerous other applications developed by SuperWeb LLC, Zoom Zoom does not introduce anything that could improve your everyday computer experience. On the contrary, the moment it is installed on your system, it starts spamming you with search-related ads, banner ads, in-text ads and links, and other distractions. What is more, there is always the possibility that Zoom Zoom can be taken advantage of by suspicious third-parties to show unreliable content which, when clicked, might lead you to malware infection. Thus, the moment you notice Zoom Zoom on your system, you should locate and delete it. Read more »

Primary Result

Primary Result

If your browser is flooded with numerous third-party commercial ads and annoying pop-ups it is a major indication that Primary Result is up and running on your operating system. You must know that Primary Result is an adware program, which should be removed as soon as possible as it holds no beneficial values, and could even be the reason other Internet-based infections are able to enter your PC in an easy manner. Unfortunately, our reports show that quite a few users, have their system infected with this intrusive adware program. If you are one of those users, read the rest of this article and find out how exactly Primary Result functions and why its removal is essential. At the end of the article we provide a comprehensive removal guide crafted by malware experts at Read more »


Sometimes adware might be accompanied by applications called “adware helpers” that are utilized to perform various suspicious activities on your machine. It is best that you remove TrimModule because this adware helper is known to spread with MultiPlug-type infections, the prime examples being UniDeals, UniSales, YoutubeAdblocker, etc. If you choose not to delete TrimModule, remember that this adware helper and the companion adware might seriously compromise the health of your computer. At the end of this article you will find removal instructions that will help you terminate both TrimModule and the affiliated threats. Read more »

Traffic Junky

If you have come across ads or pop-ups provided by Traffic Junky, it is a strong indication that some sort of adware program is active on your PC. Traffic Junky by itself is not a malicious program; it is just an adware server that is contacted by an adware program in order to present the user with numerous third-party ads and pop-ups. This experience is, obviously, annoying and frustrating, because it will constantly disturb your web browsing. If you have encountered this suspicious behavior while browsing the web, do not hesitate to check your PC for suspicious third-party applications. If any kinds of adware programs are found running on your PC, take immediate measures to remove them. Read the rest of this article and find out more about the Traffic Junky adware server. Read more »

Air Globe

Air Globe

Air Globe is an adware application that displays annoying commercial advertisements whenever you access associated websites. For the most part, Air Globe is supposed to provide users with reliable online shopping information, but that does not really happen. Read more »


FreeDelivery is a computer infection classified as adware application. It means that this program tracks your web browsing activities in order to provide you with customized commercial content in the form of pop-ups and other online advertisements. It may seem that FreeDelivery is there to help you find the best deals online, but the program is not interested in providing you coupons and discount offers. Unless you remove FreeDelivery from your system, this application will end up redirecting you to a number of unreliable websites that could be related to malware distribution. Read more »

Swift Record

Swift Record

Swift Record can only be categorized as adware, because it doesn’t perform any other functions besides annoying you with commercial advertisements. You should remove the app even if the ads don’t bother you that much, because the content it promotes might contain malicious applications that could infect your computer. It goes without saying that serious infections cause serious damage. Therefore, we recommend that you remove it in order to ward off any infections that might be lurking behind a bothersome ad begging you to click it. Read more »

Pine Tree

Pine Tree

Pine Tree is a browser extension that is supposed to “pull the best deals” out there for you, but computer security experts recommend against keeping this application on your computer. Thus, if you happen to have this extension on your system, you should remove Pine Tree immediately. Read more »