My Safe PC 2014 Virus is a rogue antivirus which has no business running on your computer. The program is completely fictitious and so all information linked to it should be disregarded. As soon as the rogue is infiltrated onto your personal computer it starts scanning the system for malware. The detections of Trojan.JS.Redirector.os, Hoax.HTML.Agent.i, Trojan-GameThief.Win32.Nilage.ipj and other listed threats are made up, and so these infections do not even exist on your computer. What is the point of this scam? If you are intimidated by the listed infections, schemers may trick you into purchasing the licensed version of the completely bogus and ineffective malware detection/removal tool. If you do not want to be tricked by cyber criminals, you should remove My Safe PC 2014 Virus as soon as possible. Please continue reading if you wish to know how to delete the threat from the operating Windows system. Read more »
NSA Internet Surveillance Program virus
NSA Internet Surveillance Program virus is a ransomware program that infects users in America. It pretends to be displaying an official message from the National Security Agency, claiming that you have been involved in storing and distributing child pornography. It is considered to be a serious crime and so your computer has been blocked by the NSA. The notification says that you need to pay a fine within 48 in order to avoid trial and to unlock your computer. Nevertheless, the thing you need to do is remove NSA Internet Surveillance Program virus from your system as soon as possible and then make sure that your PC is safeguarded against similar infections. Read more »
Zwinky Toolbar
If you have installed Zwinky Toolbar onto your Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers, it is likely that your home page has been changed to It has been discovered that this is just a secondary program offered to you during the installation of the toolbar. If you do not want to change the home page or switch the search provider, you have to be extremely careful after you click the download button displayed on and follow the installation setup. Here you will be introduced to two different sets determining the setting modifications for your Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. Please uncheck the represented boxes in order to keep home page/search provider settings unaltered. Unfortunately, as researchers have discovered, most Windows users rush through the installation process without paying attention to the provided information. Please continue reading to learn why this is dangerous. The article also explains how to remove Zwinky Toolbar and delete related search tools. Read more »
Please Install HD Player to Continue Virus
The term Please Install HD Player to Continue refers to a fake warning that you may encounter on infected websites. Some computer users have dubbed the warning as Please Install HD Player to Continue Virus; however, the very notification is not an infection. Your computer can be infected if you click the Update button, which is given in the lower right corner of the screen. Ignore the warning that recommends installing a HD Player, and scan the computer with a reliable spyware removal tool to make sure that the system has not been infected earlier. Read more »
RadioRage Toolbar
If you do not want to put your virtual security at risk, you should not install RadioRage Toolbar. In case you have already activated this browser plugin on your Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Internet Explorer browsers, it would be best to remove it as soon as possible. The most important task for you is to delete all of the programs and browser plugins which are installed alongside the suspicious toolbar. As the researchers at have discovered, the third-party programs bundled together with the toolbar are not reliable and so could seriously disrupt your virtual experience. Do you want to learn about the risks related to these suspicious programs? Do you want to learn how to remove RadioRage Toolbar from browsers and the operating Windows system? Continue reading to find answers to all of these questions. Read more »
The computer is locked by Internet Service Provider Virus
The computer is locked by Internet Service Provider Virus is a computer infection that is classified as ransomware program. It is another name for NSA Virus and PRISM Virus. In short, this program enters your computer, because the cyber criminals who have created it intend to steal your money. It may seem as though it has legal grounds to accuse you of something shady, but there is nothing real about this program, so you need to ignore the notification point blank and then remove The computer is locked by Internet Service Provider Virus with a legitimate computer security application, consequently safeguarding your PC from similar attacks. Read more »
Antiviral Factory 2013
Antiviral Factory 2013 is a rogue security program that can be installed on your PC without your permission. It is also available at, where the user can read the terms of use, find out the characteristics of the application, download the demo version, and make a payment in order to acquire the full version of the program. We recommend that you remove Antiviral Factory 2013 from the computer as this malicious application does not provide you with the information on the actual state of the system. All the system scans and security alerts are simulated in order to obtain your money. Read more »
NSA Virus
NSA Virus is a computer infection that spells nothing but trouble. It is a ransomware application that will lock up your desktop and will claim that you have been storing illegal content on your computer. In order to unlock your computer and to avoid criminal sentence NSA Virus will urge you to pay a fine. This program is highly successful in tricking computer users, because it pretends to be a legal representative of the National Security Agency of United States of America, Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. However, all these claims are very far from being true, so you need to remove NSA Virus from your system ASAP. Read more »
Policajny Zbor virus
What is Policajny Zbor virus?
Policajny Zbor virus is a ransomware infection that wants to scam you. It locks your computer screen and displays a ransom message, accusing you of various crimes and presenting dire consequences. On the said message, you will also see badges of Cyber Crime Unit, Europol and Internet Police Department, but they are just being used to make you believe this is a legitimate law enforcement effort. Read more »
M.M.A.Δ. Virus
M.M.A.Δ. Virus is a dangerous computer infection that is categorized as ransomware. If you cannot use the PC because of a full-screen ransom warning that contains the logo of the Emergency Response Unit (M.M.A.Δ.), which is supposedly related to the present warning and the accusations provided, it means that your computer is infected with a highly dangerous Trojan horse. M.M.A.Δ. Virus is a Cypriot version of the Trojan Urausy, which is spread worldwide. In different countries it is known under different names because of the different interfaces that the Trojan can generated. For example, the Trojan is also known as Jandarma Genel Komutanligi virus, Cybercrime Politie Nederland Virus, Royal Australian Corps of Military Police Virus, and so on. Read more »