

Trojan.Ruftar is not an easily located infection. In fact, most computer users are completely unfamiliar with this name because the clandestine Trojan is represented via a disturbing pop-up ransom demand. The malicious infection is composed of files some of which are responsible for the initial execution. Cyber criminals need to infiltrate these files onto the operating system, and they know all the tricks necessary for the attack. If your PC is not safeguarded by automatic malware removal software, these files could be dropped without your notice using clandestine drive-by download scams. Read more »


If there is no security software installed on your computer, there is a possibility that malicious software, for instance, Kronos is residing on it. According to the researchers of, this infection is a unique combination of Trojan and Rootkit; thus, you might not notice its presence on your system for a long time. Various undesirable programs might enter your system if you open email attachments from suspicious senders, download software from doubtful websites, use P2P client carelessly, and the like. Luckily, the possibility to protect your computer from threats is still there – you just have to install a security tool on the system. Read more »



Adware is intrusive, misleading and unreliable. These are the reasons you should not keep FlexibleShopper running on the Windows operating system either. Despite the fact that this program is represented as a shopping assistant at, malware researchers at identify this as a worthless, undesirable and inexpedient application. Luckily, most computer users realize that they need to remove FlexibleShopper as soon as it initiates its activity. Unfortunately, the removal of this threat is not always simple. Read more »

Ad Expert Browser

Ad Expert Browser

Malware researchers who analyze Ad Expert Browser cannot agree on what kind of infection it is. Some identify this threat as a malicious Trojan, and others list it as a bot or an advertisement-supported application (adware). Regardless of the category, there is no doubt that you need to remove Ad Expert Browser from the operating system. The suspicious program is linked to unauthorized, intrusive and disturbing activity which may disrupt the running of the entire operating system. We have analyzed the suspicious application, and we can assure you that you need to delete it without further delay. Read more »



JoniCoupon cannot provide reliable shopping coupons, latest deals or cheapest price offers. Despite the fact that the application does not fulfill its promises to give a better shopping experience, some computer users keep this suspicious program running. So far the application has been located on the Windows operating systems and Chrome, IE and Firefox browsers; however, the software may cross over. Whichever operating system or browser you are running, you need to remove JoniCoupon right away. researchers have found the program to present unreliable deals supported by unfamiliar third parties. Read more »


On August 4, 2014, Sonology warned the user of NAS devices about the latest ransomware infection dubbed Synolocker. The issue has been reported to affect the NAS servers running the version DSM 4.3 or earlier. The Synolocker malware exploits a security vulnerability, which was fixed and patched in 2013. According to the latest analysis, Synolocker has no effect on the newest version DSM 5.0. Read more »

iStartSurf Virus

iStartSurf Virus

Many computer users think that they have iStartSurf Virus on their system after noticing that has replaced their homepage and their default search provider without their permission. Actually, the truth is that viruses have nothing to do with these changes because a browser hijacker is responsible for them. You should definitely not use the search engine that it promotes because it is not a completely reliable search provider even if it looks like a decent one at first sight. The researchers of have implemented a research and found out that acts very similarly as other browser hijackers that belong to Qone8 family, for example,,,, and similar. Read more »



If you have installed a program called FlashCoupon on the system, unfortunately, you will start seeing various commercial advertisements very soon. The specialists of have done a research and found out that this piece of software is just a typical advertising supported application. It means that all of its promises to help you save money and time are worthless. Do not keep undesirable programs on the system because they will not do anything beneficial for you. Besides, they might even expose you to infections instead. Read more »



Even though Internet Explorer users may recognize 123hd-plus as a browser helper object (BHO), researchers categorize it as adware. The advertisement-supported program has earned the place in this category because its developers have created it to support third-party advertisers. The publisher of the application may be listed as Evangelion Group; however, there are no guarantees that this is permanent. The developers of the ad-supported application have chosen the infamous Crossrider engine to design it, and software related to this engine is quite unpredictable. Read more »

Zippy Zarp

Zippy Zarp

If you notice that various advertisements have started appearing on your screen, you should better check whether your computer is not infected with adware. Zippy Zarp is one of those undesirable programs that might have entered your system because it is very prevalent nowadays. If it happens that you detect this application on your computer, you should get rid of Zippy Zarp as soon as possible because it might cause serious security-related problems. Of course, this software does not seem harmful at first sight; however, you should know that it is definitely not worth keeping it on the system. Read more »