What is Kronos?
If there is no security software installed on your computer, there is a possibility that malicious software, for instance, Kronos is residing on it. According to the researchers of anti-spyware-101.com, this infection is a unique combination of Trojan and Rootkit; thus, you might not notice its presence on your system for a long time. Various undesirable programs might enter your system if you open email attachments from suspicious senders, download software from doubtful websites, use P2P client carelessly, and the like. Luckily, the possibility to protect your computer from threats is still there – you just have to install a security tool on the system. If you have not managed to protect your computer this time, you should know that it is obligatory to remove Kronos as soon as possible because it might cause much harm to you.
How does Kronos act?
The research has shown that Kronos might bypass antivirus protection, which means that it is very hard to detect it. In this sense, this infection is very similar to Trojan Gameover (Zeus). The security experts of anti-spyware-101.com have revealed that the main purpose of this malicious software is to steal credentials and even other financial information. This Trojan is especially interested in the data that users enter using Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox. Besides, it has been found out that it sends all the collected data to C&C server. In addition, it seems that Kronos works on 32 and 64 bit operating systems; thus, it might be very widespread.
It has also been found out that Kronos uses HTML web injection method mainly. This technique is used to perform Man-in-the-Browser (MitB) attacks. It can be suggested that this malware can steal data very quickly; thus, it is not surprising that cyber criminals offer to buy it for $7000. Multiple modules that will help to avoid detection are offered for the aforementioned price. Besides, the buyer will be able to test Kronos before purchasing it. In order not to be tracked, the creators of Kronos ask to pay money using Perfect Money or Bitcoins.
How to get rid of Kronos?
The ordinary computer user will not be able to detect and remove Kronos himself/herself because this malware tends to hide itself deep on the system. We suggest that you leave all the work for an antimalware tool instead. The automatic tool will detect all the existing infections, including Kronos, and remove them from the system easily and quickly. Of course, you have to make sure that your security tool is completely reliable because those unreliable ones might attract other bad programs on the system. If you want to know our opinion, we believe that SpyHunter is one of those malware removers that can be trusted 100%. It will not only remove infections, but also not allow them enter your computer in the future.
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