Hacked Ransomware

Hacked Ransomware

Ransomware is a type of malware that comes in different complexity and aggression. The strain named Hacked is one of those threats that arrives at the computer with full strength. It encrypts files using a complex asymmetric encryption algorithm, which can be broken only with the decryption key in the attacker's possession. The Hacked ransomware is a dangerous threat which you can prevent by paying more attention to the content  you are exposed to, which is discussed further in more detail. All that you should and can do when the Hacked ransomware gets on your PC is remove it from the computer as soon as possible. Read more »



Search.instantnewsnow.co is the latest browser hijacker from Polarity Technologies Ltd. It works as a regular search engine, but its developers distribute in a way that is set to change your browser’s homepage address without your knowledge or consent. Furthermore, this hijacker might feature promoted links in its search results, and the problem here is that some of those links can redirect you to questionable websites. Therefore, it is highly unreliable, and we recommend that you remove it from your browser to avoid visiting the shady sites. Read more »

Ysearch Tab

If you have no idea where Ysearch Tab has come from, it is most likely that it has corrupted your Mozilla Firefox browser without your permission. We classify this extension as a potentially unwanted program (PUP), but not because it can be installed without the user’s notice. We recommend looking at it as a potential threat because it can showcase modified search results via Yahoo Search. Also, it appears that this add-on tries to pass itself as a product by Yahoo, and so you have to be cautious. Needless to say, this add-on does not deserve to be on your operating system, and we advise that you remove it as soon as possible. If you have no clue how to delete Ysearch Tab from Mozilla Firefox, we suggest reading this report and following the instructions that are available below. If any questions pop up while reading this report, use the comments section below to add them for our research team. Read more »



Websrch.net is a search engine that can be used by third-party applications to collect information on your web browsing habits. The program itself is not active on the Internet yet, but it could be employed later on by various freeware applications.

If eventually, you find that your browser’s settings were modified by Websrch.net, you should remove all the potentially harmful programs from your computer and reset your browser’s settings to default. The best way to determine how many unwanted programs you have is to scan your PC with a licensed antispyware tool and then delete all the potential threats automatically. Read more »



A new search engine Safesearch.top set on browsers out of the blue can mean only one thing – there is a browser hijacker on the system. Users usually do not notice how these threats enter their systems because they travel bundled, so we are not surprised at all that you cannot explain why you see Safesearch.top each time you open your Internet Explorer/Mozilla Firefox/Google Chrome as well. This web page is made to look like a legitimate search provider, but it is surely not trustworthy even though the interface it has suggests differently. Since it is not a search tool that can be trusted, we suggest removing Safesearch.top from browsers as soon as possible. When it is no longer set as your homepage/default search tool, you could set a new page you like as your homepage and default search provider. If you still cannot understand why the search provider you see set on your browsers is untrustworthy, you should read the next paragraph of this article too – you will find all its drawbacks listed there. If you arrive at a final decision to eliminate it, you should read the last paragraph carefully too because it contains all the information you need to know about its removal. Read more »

Yoga Search

Yoga Search is not an application that should not be active on your operating system. That is so because it happens to be yet another potentially unwanted program. Such classification has been made by malware experts at Anti-Spyware-101.com because of this application functions in a suspicious and intrusive manner. It can easily alter your web browser's default settings without any notification or authorization. Due to this program, surfing the web can become a much more annoying and frustrating experience, to put it lightly. What is more concerning is the fact that this program could prove to be rather dangerous as well since it could expose your operating system to devious web content. To find out more about the devious inner workings of this potentially unwanted program, make sure to read the rest of our report. To help you delete Yoga Search, we also present a detailed removal guide below our article. Read more »


Have you encountered a hijacker called Search.hinstantnewsnow.co? If you have, it is most likely that you have downloaded an extension called “Instant News Now.” This extension was set up by Polarity Technologies Ltd. to introduce users to a hijacker. Our research team at Anti-Spyware-101.com informs that there are several different variants of the hijacker that can be introduced to users via this add-on, including the one we are discussing in this report, as well as Search.instantnewsnow.co and Home.instantnewsnow.co. These hijackers are not trustworthy, and we advise deleting them from your browsers immediately. According to our research, they are most likely to affect those users who are using Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer browsers. Whether or not you have encountered this threat already, we recommend reading this report to learn all about it. At the end of this report, you will also find a guide that shows how to remove Search.hinstantnewsnow.co from all browsers. Read more »

Firewall Detecting Suspicious Incoming Network Connections Scam

You must have encountered Firewall Detecting Suspicious Incoming Network Connections Scam if you see alerts claiming that suspicious connections have been detected. According to specialists at anti-spyware-101.com, it is very likely that this scam has been created by cyber criminals to scare users into dialing the telephone number provided, so there is no point in believing any word you find written on the alerts you see. Of course, these warnings do not appear out of nowhere. There are two possible reasons users see them, malware researchers say. First, users keep visiting untrustworthy pages containing these fake errors. Second, they are redirected periodically to these websites against their will by malicious software. Even though any undesirable application can be linked to Firewall Detecting Suspicious Incoming Network Connections Scam, the chances are high that you have allowed an advertising-supported application (adware) or a potentially unwanted program to enter your computer if you keep seeing alerts every day. If you really see them because malware is active on your computer, the only way to stop the flow of these fake warnings is to disable undesirable software. We cannot say that it will be easy to do that because its name is unknown, but, unfortunately, there is no other way to make it gone. Read more »

The Roboto Condensed Font Was Not Found Scam

If you are prompted that a certain font is missing while you are browsing the web, The Roboto Condensed Font Was Not Found Scam may have hit your computer. This fake alert is practically identical to other missing font type of scams, such as "The ArialText Font Was Not Found," which have one major difference from other fake alerts like "Microsoft Has Detected A Porn Virus Scam." While the latter ones are technical support scams where you are asked to call a certain telephone number for immediate fix of an alleged system issue, this newly found fake alert can actually drop infections onto your system behind your back. In this case, you are lead to believe that the page you are viewing has no readable characters because of a supposed missing font type, and this is why you need to install this font supposedly. However, instead, you will practically infect your computer with a bunch of viruses and other malicious programs. Therefore, this fake alert can be considered a more dangerous threat. Thus, our malware specialists at anti-spyware-101.com say that you should remove The Roboto Condensed Font Was Not Found Scam from your system as soon as possible. Although you may have turned up on the malicious page that displays this fake alert accidentally by clicking on an infected link or advertisement, you should still scan your computer to see if it is not infected. Read more »



Indiasearch-results.com, according to Anti-Spyware-101.com research, is a browser hijacker that could potentially corrupt such browsers as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Internet Explorer. The interface of this hijacker might remind you of a regular search engine, but it does not function like one; at least, not at this moment. Right now, if you enter keywords into the provided search engine, you are routed to a page that shows this message: “We apologize for the inconvenience, but we weren't able to find results for this query.” It does not matter which keywords you enter; the search tool simply does not work. Of course, if it did, we would not recommend trusting it anyway. So, whether you installed this hijacker yourself or it corrupted your browser without your permission, we recommend deleting it without hesitation. Continue reading to learn more and find a guide that shows how to remove Indiasearch-results.com manually. Read more »