What is Hacked Ransomware?
Ransomware is a type of malware that comes in different complexity and aggression. The strain named Hacked is one of those threats that arrives at the computer with full strength. It encrypts files using a complex asymmetric encryption algorithm, which can be broken only with the decryption key in the attacker's possession. The Hacked ransomware is a dangerous threat which you can prevent by paying more attention to the content you are exposed to, which is discussed further in more detail. All that you should and can do when the Hacked ransomware gets on your PC is remove it from the computer as soon as possible.
How does the Hacked ransomware work?
The Hacked ransomware corrupts files by encrypting them so that they cannot be used as usual. Additionally, the infection appends the extension .hacked, which helps you to identify the affected files. A great deal of ransomware infection are known to lock the screen, but in the present case, you can navigate around the screen and access different locations, which also ease up the removal of this infection. The threat does not lock the screen so that you can open a ransom message which is left on the desktop in a .txt file, named "How_to_decrypt_files" or "readme_English." The same ransom note can be found in the Italian, Turkish, and Spanish languages in separate files, which implies that the Hacked ransomware is aimed at specific computer users.
As for the ransom note, the victim is required to pay a ransom in the Bitcoin currency, which enables the money recipients to remain untraceable. This digital currency is not owned and controlled by any official issuer or bank; hence, it has become a very convenient money transaction method for cyber fraudsters. In the instructions given to the victim, the sum of 0.5 BTC is provided; however, at the very bottom of the window displaying the ransom note, the sum of 2,000 US dollars in Bitcoins is required. These sums aside, it is important that you not pay the ransom demanded since nobody can guarantee that you will regain access to your data. This recommendation is based on the long-term experience gained over time while dealing with ransomware threats. A few years ago, the law enforcement agency FBI advised paying up, but now paying the ransom should take place only in case of real necessity.
There are several types of asymmetric encryption, the complexity of which differ depending on the length of algorithms. The Hacked ransomware encrypts files using RSA-4096 encryption, which is virtually unbreakable. This type of encryption has been used by other strains of ransomware and is likely to be used in the future. To convince you to pay up, the ransomware displays a warning saying that any attempt to decrypt files using an invalid code leads to file deletion. This type of threatening is aimed at obtaining your money, but you should not give in. Do not pay the ransom but remove the Hacked ransomware from your PC unless you can afford the release fee.
How to prevent ransomware?
Malware, including ransomware, spread in multiple ways, and you should be aware of the risks of using an unprotected Internet-connected machine. In order to avoid ransomware attacks it is necessary to take all possible measures in advance. It does not matter whether you own a business or just a home computer. Your data should be backed up and stored separately on a cloud or a portable device that is not accessible to cyber crooks in any way. It is important to be skeptical about emails and attachments received from unknown senders. It is also important to avoid visiting questionable websites and installing unreliable programs. An accidental click on a compromised pop-up may also cause some damage, so you should also make sure that you will not be exposed to unwanted third-party content. Without any doubt, obtaining antispyware software from a reputable source is also highly advisable so that you do not have to worry about malware attacks.
How to remove the Hacked ransomware?
The Hacked ransomware can be removed with ease by our recommended security program. But if you feel the need to try removing the infection by yourself, the removal guide given below should help you terminate the unwanted infection. In case of any questions regarding the removal of the threat, feel free to leave a comment below.
Remove the Hacked ransomware
- Remove all the ransomware-related files from the desktop.
- Access the Downloads folder and other locations to which downloaded files are saved and delete recently downloaded files.
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