musicFriendly Search

musicFriendly Search

According to musicFriendly Search description, it is an application that should help users find “music, songs, full albums, music videos.” As it is explained, all you need to do is “Go to the address bar then type 'm' press TAB on your keyboard, enter your query and get the results you are looking for.” We have no doubt the results you would get should be related to the picked keyword, but it seems to us you could find same information while using more trustworthy search tools like Google or Yahoo. As for musicFriendly Search, the extension falls under the classification of potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) because it might show irritating advertisements and there is a chance it could be distributed through unreliable channels. To learn more about it we invite you to continue reading our article, but if you have already decided to remove it, we would recommend sliding a bit below the article where you will find the provided deletion instructions. Read more »

'Internet Security Alert! Code: 055BCCAC9FEC' Pop up

The 'Internet Security Alert! Code: 055BCCAC9FEC' Pop up is part of a devious scam that is used to trick gullible users into calling a bogus helpline number and, eventually, giving schemers the permission to jeopardize your virtual security. Unfortunately, scams like this one could be used to infiltrate malicious infections, take over the administrative privileges, hijack the operating system, or even perform identity theft. researchers warn that it is always risky to call bogus helplines, and so if you are introduced to an alert promoting a number you allegedly need to call, the best thing you can do is find out and call a real support number depending on your service provider (e.g., Microsoft). If you end up calling, you could get yourself into trouble. Hopefully, you have not done this yet, and you can get yourself out of the trap laid by schemers in time. Since there is a possibility that you need to delete 'Internet Security Alert! Code: 055BCCAC9FEC' Pop up-associated malware, besides telling you how to evade the scam, we also discuss the removal of malware in this report. Read more »


If you ever discover Trojan.Vtflooder.HG up and running on your personal computer, make sure to perform its complete removal as soon as possible. It is imperative to do so because this devious application can act in an extremely malicious manner, which should not be tolerated. In fact, having this Trojan can be annoying and frustrating, to put it lightly. It is also important to highlight that due to this intrusive application, your operating system's virtual security could be compromised. If you wish to learn more about the inner workings of this malicious program, make sure to read the rest of this detailed report. Additionally, we provide a few simple, yet effective virtual security tips, which you should use to maintain a clean and secure operating system at all times. Below we also include a detailed removal guide, which you should use to delete everything associated with Trojan.Vtflooder.HG in no time at all. Read more »

Executionerplus Ransomware

Executionerplus Ransomware

Executionerplus Ransomware is not one of those sophisticated ransomware infections. The version of this ransomware infection analyzed by specialists at does not even demand a ransom, but, of course, it does not mean that it will not cause you any problems if it ever slithers onto your computer because it still encrypts files on compromised machines. It even deletes their Shadow Copies by executing the cmd.exe /c vssadmin delete shadows /all /quiet command to make it extremely hard, or even impossible, to unlock those files without special software. Without a doubt, the majority of ransomware infections are developed so that cyber criminals could easier obtain money from users, so the chances are high that Executionerplus Ransomware will be updated and start dropping ransom notes asking money soon as well. Never pay money to malicious software developers because they will not stop developing new threats if they get everything they want from users. What you are expected to do if you ever find a nasty malicious application belonging to the group of ransomware on your computer is to disable it immediately. Read more » is a new featured search engine page that caught our attention for a good reason. Our malware specialists at say that this is a newcomer in the notorious Polarity family of browser hijackers that also includes and, just to mention a couple from the dozens that have already seen the light of day on the web. This new search page offers you quick links to travel-related third-party sites as well as a search engine and the usual popular links. Unfortunately, this browser hijacker may expose you to questionable third-party web content that may pose a threat to your system security. It is also possible that this is not the only malware infection on your system; therefore, we recommend that you remove right away. Read more »

Crypt0 HT Ransomware

Crypt0 HT Ransomware

Crypt0 HT Ransomware is supposed to be a malicious file-encrypting program, but currently, it looks like the threat can no longer lock any files. Our researchers at are saying it is probably because the malware was disconnected from its Command and Control (C&C) server. However, if you encountered it some time ago, it is entirely possible the infection could have locked most of your files. If you are still wondering whether it is a good idea to pay the ransom and get the needed decryption tools from the malicious program’s creators, we would advise against it. If the Crypt0 HT Ransomware’s server is actually down, all the unique decryption keys required for the decryption process could have been deleted and without them, it might be impossible to unlock any data even with a decryption tool. Therefore, we think it might be smarter to erase the malware. If you think it would be wiser to get rid of the threat as well, you can remove it with the steps we will add at the end of this report or with a legitimate antimalware tool. Read more »

Payment Ransomware

Payment Ransomware

If a window with a padlock in the top-right corner and a word PAYMENT at the top has been opened on your Desktop, you must have encountered Payment Ransomware, a nasty malicious application belonging to the group of crypto-malware. It is especially true if you cannot move this window. Do not worry; it is not one of those malicious applications that entirely lock users’ screens to push them into paying money to cyber crooks. If you encounter the same version of Payment Ransomware analyzed by our researchers, you could close the window opened for you by pressing Alt+F4 on your keyboard. Unfortunately, the ransomware infection will not disappear from your computer when you close its window. Yes, you will still need to put some effort into its removal. Luckily, it does not have many components (files). Additionally, it does not create any new registry keys on affected computers. Because of this, you should not find its removal a very challenging task, especially if you follow the step-by-step manual removal guide prepared by experienced specialists working at Before we talk about its removal in detail, let’s find out how it acts. Read more »



There are at least several ways to categorize FilmsJunkie, as we can look at this application from different perspectives. In this case, we say that this program is a browser hijacker because it modifies your browser’s settings. However, you may also find sources that say FilmsJunkie is a browser extension or a plug-in. That is understandable because browser extensions can often have browser hijacker’s qualities and vice versa. Whatever it might be, the bottom line is that you have to remove this application from your browser. There is no need to keep an extension that can easily expose you to potential security threats. Read more »

Cry-trowx Ransomware

Cry-trowx Ransomware

Cry-trowx Ransomware is a program that you should avoid at all costs. If unfortunately, it is already active on your personal computer, make sure to perform its complete removal right away. It is critical to do so because this malicious program functions in an extremely malicious manner. If you are not familiar with ransomware programs, you must know that they are infamous for their ability to lock large quantities of data without any notification or authorization. Having an application, which is capable of such functionality can have devastating outcomes. In this article, you will find further information about the inner workings of this malicious application. Also, we include a few virtual security recommendations, which you should take to have a secure operating system. Finally, to help you delete Cry-trowx Ransomware once and for all, we include an easy-to-follow removal guide below this report. Read more »

Jcoder Ransomware

Jcoder Ransomware

Jcoder Ransomware is a malicious program that has been designed by cyber criminals to lock files on victims’ computers. According to researchers working at, this threat is still in development because it does not provide any contact information that could be used by victims to contact cyber criminals. On top of that, it does not demand a ransom even though ransomware infections are primarily used to extract money from computer users. Of course, we cannot promise that it will act the same in the future too. The chances are high that it will be updated one day and, if you encounter it at this time, you will be told to transfer a ransom to get your files unlocked. Although Jcoder Ransomware has not been finished yet, it already encrypts files using the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) cipher, so its entrance always has devastating outcomes. If it has successfully infiltrated your computer too, you will find a bunch of your files locked sooner or later as well. Free decryption software does not exist. It is impossible to purchase the decryptor from cyber criminals either (of course, we do not recommend doing this). Therefore, the chances are high that your files will stay encrypted. It does not mean that you can keep the ransomware infection active on your computer if you find it impossible to unlock your data. We will talk about the Jcoder Ransomware removal in detail in the last paragraph of this article. Read more »