What is Executionerplus Ransomware?
Executionerplus Ransomware is not one of those sophisticated ransomware infections. The version of this ransomware infection analyzed by specialists at anti-spyware-101.com does not even demand a ransom, but, of course, it does not mean that it will not cause you any problems if it ever slithers onto your computer because it still encrypts files on compromised machines. It even deletes their Shadow Copies by executing the cmd.exe /c vssadmin delete shadows /all /quiet command to make it extremely hard, or even impossible, to unlock those files without special software. Without a doubt, the majority of ransomware infections are developed so that cyber criminals could easier obtain money from users, so the chances are high that Executionerplus Ransomware will be updated and start dropping ransom notes asking money soon as well. Never pay money to malicious software developers because they will not stop developing new threats if they get everything they want from users. What you are expected to do if you ever find a nasty malicious application belonging to the group of ransomware on your computer is to disable it immediately.
What does Executionerplus Ransomware do?
Executionerplus Ransomware has been developed to encrypt files on users’ computers, so it will do this the second it infiltrates your computer. Ransomware infections are used as tools to obtain money from users, so they always lock those files users consider the most valuable. For example, the chances are high that you could no longer access your documents, music, videos, movies, etc. All these encrypted files get the .destroy.executioner extension appended. As for .txt files, you should find pluss.executioner appended to them all. Original extensions of these encrypted files should not be removed. Yes, you could no longer open your files soon after the entrance of Executionerplus Ransomware, but it is only one of two main symptoms showing that its entrance was successful. No doubt Executionerplus Ransomware is the one you should blame for encrypting your files if you can find a new file Readme.html on your Desktop. This file is a message the ransomware infection leaves for users. You will hear a soundtrack playing if you open it. It did not demand money from users at the time of research, but there are no guarantees that its new version would not want your money either. You should never support crooks by sending them money if you ever encounter ransomware because they might not give you the promised decryption tool, and, in this situation, you could not do anything about this. Of course, users cannot keep malware on their computers no matter what.
Where does Executionerplus Ransomware come from?
Executionerplus Ransomware must have entered your system illegally. Of course, the chances are high that you have given it permission to enter the system yourself without even realizing that. Our experienced security specialists say that the majority of users end up with crypto-malware on their computers and find their files completely encrypted after opening malicious attachments from emails. Usually, these emails are located in the Spam folder. Additionally, they say that an unsecured Remote Desktop Protocol might be a huge security risk. Finally, it might be possible to download malicious applications from hacked websites. In some cases, it might be enough to click once on the malicious link to start the installation of malware. We would lie if we said that an ordinary computer user could easily protect his/her computer from all kinds of threats trying to enter the system. It is the reason our specialists recommend installing reputable security application for all those users who surf the Internet every day and download plenty of new software from the web.
How to remove Executionerplus Ransomware
There is not much you need to do to remove Executionerplus Ransomware fully. Go to delete the malicious file you have launched before finding your files encrypted and then remove Readme.html from your Desktop. The latter file is not malicious, but it is one of the components of Executionerplus Ransomware, so there is no point in keeping it on the system. If you are looking for a quicker way to get rid of this threat, you should know that you can scan your computer with an automated malware remover instead of going to remove all components of this threat one by one yourself manually. If you decide to adopt the latter (automatic) removal method, do not expect that it could remove appended extensions from your files. In other words, they will still stay encrypted after the scan with an antimalware tool.
Remove Executionerplus Ransomware
- Open Explorer (tap Win+E).
- Delete suspicious files from %USERPROFILE%\Desktop, %USERPROFILE%\Downloads, %TEMP%, and %APPDATA% (you can open the directory by typing its path in the URL bar and pressing Enter).
- Open %USERPROFILE%\Desktop.
- Remove Readme.html.
- Empty Trash.
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