Monthly Archives: October 2020 - Page 2



ConverterzSearch is a browser extension that provides a search tool. If you are wondering whether this could improve your browsing experience, we advise learning more about this extension before adding it to your Google Chrome. The application got classified as a potentially unwanted program. Software belonging to this category usually has unwanted qualities. If you want to find out what could they be, in this case, we advise reading our full article. In it, we talk about the extension’s working manner, its possible distribution channels, and its removal. If you already have this application on your browser, but want to get rid of it, we can offer our deletion instructions that explain how to erase ConverterzSearch manually. We have a comments section below that we encourage you to use if you have any questions related to this potentially unwanted program. Read more »

Pykw Ransomware

Pykw Ransomware

You do not want to find the “.pykw” extension added to your personal files’ names because that indicates that Pykw Ransomware has corrupted them. This malware can corrupt documents, media files, photos, and everything else that is unique within your operating system. System files can be replaced, and the threat also needs your system to function normally, therefore, such files are not touched. However, your personal files are not only non-essential but also not replaceable. Obviously, that is not the case if copies exist. If you have copies, remove Pykw Ransomware quickly, and once you are 100% sure that your system is malware-free and protected, you can transfer the copies in place of the encrypted files. And what if you cannot replace the files? There is a tool that can decrypt some files for free, but it does not work for everyone and with all files. In any case, whether or not you get your files back, you must delete the infection, and our research team is here to guide you. Read more »



Did Smedia attract you with its claims to provide you with a search tool that, allegedly, can find relevant results quicker? If that is not the case, it is then likely that you did not install this extension intentionally, or you might not even know how it was installed at all. Cybersecurity experts at have tested the extension in our internal lab, and it is clear that it is not a useful extension. That said, some users might be fooled or confused, and that is because the extension employs Yahoo Search. Keep reading to learn why this search engine cannot be trusted in this case. You also should continue reading to learn how to delete Smedia from Google Chrome. At the time of analysis, this appeared to be the only web browser compatible with the PUP (potentially unwanted program). Why is the extension identified as a PUP? That is another thing you can learn by reading this article. Read more »



PDFConverterSearch4Free is a potentially unwanted program that might look like useful at first. Nevertheless, this application shouldn’t be allowed to remain on your system unless you really wanted to have it. This program could expose you to a number of various threats, and if you don’t do anything about it, it could lead to a number of computer security issues. Hence, if you didn’t plan to keep this app, you should remove PDFConverterSearch4Free at once. For the manual removal instructions, scroll down to the bottom of this entry, and make sure you protect your system from other similar threats. Read more »

You might not remember facing at all because this is an adware server that randomly surprises people with advertisements and notifications online. Obviously, you should not face this adware server without reason. One of them might be active adware (advertising-supported software). If adware exists, a trusted malware scanner will find it instantly. Then, you will need to delete it to ensure that you are no longer redirected to unreliable ad pages. Another reason why you might be facing the adware server is that you have visited an unreliable website and/or enabled notifications offered by it. Further in this report, you will learn what kinds of websites you need to stay away from, and also why you need to judge all notification requests. If you have enabled some already, we can show you how to get rid of them. The guide below shows how to remove notifications manually, but we suggest that you read this report first to understand the adware server better. Read more »

The default search provider on Google Chrome is likely to be changed to if you install a Chrome-compatible extension named Vil APP. There is a possibility that a different extension could be linked to the suspicious search tool, and if that were the case, you would have to focus on it. If you have discovered a change within your default search provider, but you cannot identify an extension or an application that is responsible for that, we recommend installing a legitimate malware scanner. This tool will quickly examine your operating system and identify the threats that require removal, if such threats exist at all. Obviously, if you want to have deleted from your browser, you want to get rid of whatever it is that introduced this unreliable search tool. Are you confused as to why we classify it as an unreliable search tool? If that is the case, you should read our report. Our researchers have tested the search tool in the internal lab, and we can tell you exactly how it works. Read more »

BlackKnight2020 Ransomware

BlackKnight2020 Ransomware

BlackKnight2020 Ransomware is one of these annoying computer infections that try to push users into spending their money for literally nothing. Of course, it will try to convince you that you have to pay in order to access your computer again. However, there’s no need to pay for this infection because you can unlock your screen without too much difficulty.

Instead of doing what this infection tells you to, you should focus on removing BlackKnight2020 Ransomware from your system immediately. While you’re at it, don’t hesitate to run a full system scan with a licensed antispyware tool as there might be more potential threats on-board. Read more »



Are you wondering if you made the right decision when you installed HDMusicStreamSearch? If you are, you came to the right place as we discuss the extension’s working manner, possible distribution channels, and its deletion in this article. Since the application was classified as a potentially unwanted program, it means that it might have undesirable qualities. In other words, the tool’s working manner could be annoying. If you find it so irritating that you want to delete it, you can find our step by step instructions that show how to erase HDMusicStreamSearch manually at the end of this text. Should you need more help with the removal process or have any questions to ask about the potentially unwanted program, do not hesitate to leave us a message in the comments area. Read more »



PracticalProcesser is a very non-descript name, and it is hard to understand what exactly this extension offers just from that. In some cases, that is just bad marketing. In others, a way to conceal something more sinister. If you downloaded this extension willingly, perhaps you were promised great services. If that is the case, have you used those services and have they met your expectations? Most likely, they did not, and that is why you have found this removal guide. On the other hand, it is also possible that you downloaded the extension by accident, or it was installed seemingly without your permission at all. If that is the case, the first thing you must do is scan your system. You need to check for hidden threats that might have been introduced to you using disguises or stealth. Regardless of what else the scanner finds, deleting PracticalProcesser is strongly advised, and if you would like to learn about that, keep reading. Read more »



According to the description of GamingSearch, the application provides the best way to search. If you wonder whether this is true or not, we invite you to read our full article so that you could learn more and form an opinion of your own. In the text, we discuss how this extension works, how it could be distributed, and what you can do if you do not want to keep it on your computer. If you are only interested in the application’s removal, you should check the deletion instructions below. Also, it is vital to mention that since the extension was classified as a potentially unwanted program, users who want to erase GamingSearch can employ a legitimate antimalware tool for this task. We also encourage you to use our comments section if there is something else you want to ask about this potentially unwanted program. Read more »