If you have received an email stating that “Your version of Google Chrome is potentially vulnerable and out of date,” you have to report it as spam. The fictitious email is a tool employed by cyber criminals to distribute a malicious ransomware threat. Of course, it is dangerous to have your operating system affected by a ransomware, or any other malicious threat for that matter. Ransomware is very difficult to remove, and if you trust that your version of Google Chrome is potentially vulnerable and out of date, you might let in a malicious Trojan without even realizing it. This Trojan could unleash CTB-Locker, and various other ransomware threats that require immediate removal. Read this report to learn how ransomware can attack and affect your operating system. This report also provides a few removal tips that you can use to delete ransomware from your PC.
How to deal with ransomware infections
According to malware researchers at Anti-Spyware-101.com, the clandestine “Your version of Google Chrome is potentially vulnerable and out of date” message might appear to have been sent by Google. One of the senders that you could face is nonreply@mail.goog.le.com, and it is obvious that this sender is fictitious, which is why you should delete the email without even opening it. Unfortunately, computer users often do not pay attention to small details, which is why they choose to read the message and follow the instructions. Clicking the Download Google Chrome button found in the “Your version of Google Chrome is potentially vulnerable and out of date” message is about the worst thing you can do, because this is what initiates the installation of CTB-Locker, an infection that users must remove from their operating systems. When you click the button, a connection to a remote server is made, and then you are redirected to one of the many sites (e.g., thelastxmas.com) that host the fictitious ChromeSetup.exe installer. If you end up executing the installer, a devious ransomware will encrypt your personal files and introduce you to a screen notification suggesting that you need to pay a ransom (e.g., 2 BTC) to have personal files decrypted. Here is an example of a message you could face.
Your personal files are encrypted by CTB-Locker.
Private decryption key is stored on a secret Internet server and nobody can decrypt your files until you pay and obtain the private key.
You only have 96 hours to submit the payment.
There are no guarantees that your files will be restored after you pay the ransom, but if you remove the ransomware before taking care of your files, they will be lost for good. Even though your files will not be removed, it is unlikely that you will be able to restore them. Hopefully, you have your personal files backed-up, in which case, you do not have to worry about paying any ransom. All that you need to do is remove “Your version of Google Chrome is potentially vulnerable and out of date” related malware. The manual removal is extremely lengthy and complicated, and so there is no doubt that using automatic malware removal is the best choice in this case.
How to protect your operating system
“Your version of Google Chrome is potentially vulnerable and out of date” spam email is only one of the many tools that schemers could use for malware distribution. It is necessary to eliminate all security issues related to your operating system if you want to make sure that other computer infections cannot attack your PC in the future. Even though file-encrypting ransomware is extremely malicious, you must keep in mind that Trojans, keyloggers, and even adware could be dangerous as well. If you install a reliable malware remover to delete ransomware, you must keep it updated to ensure full-time protection. If you do, you will not have to worry about the removal of malware in the future.
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