
What is YontooDesktop.exe?

If whenever you login into you Windows you find a pop-up error stating that YontooDesktop.exe cannot be executed, it is a sign that your computer contains an application published by Yontoo LLC. It is likely that your Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox have a browser extension or toolbar. If the startup entry in the Registry is modified by YontooDesktop.exe, the application will start running whenever the system loads. It is highly advisable to remove YontooDesktop.exe as it can be used for collecting information and displayed pop-up advertisements.

What does YontooDesktop.exe do?

YontooDesktop.exe is aimed at collecting information on how computer users browse the Internet. For example, it may record what website you browser, how much time you spend on each of the website you visit, what items you click, and so on. In return, the information will be used for displaying relevant advertisement or the collected data may be used by third-party companies in order to analyze how the potential customers browse the internet so that the companies can improve their products or services.

Keep in mind that pop-up advertisements may lead to unexpected consequences. By clicking pop-up advertisements, not only may you be directed to suspicious websites but you may also execute the installation of potentially unwanted programs.

Additionally, you might notice that the browsers need more time to open a new tab or load a web page, which may be caused by the unwanted YontooDesktop.exe file. The file is typically located in the %Appdata% subfolders and its size is 41.78 KB. Once you remove YontooDesktop.exe from the PC, which means that you have to uninstall the application and change the setting of the system, no browser performance issues should remain.

How to remove YontooDesktop.exe?

It is not enough to delete the unwanted file from its folder. In the case of YontooDesktop.exe, which can change the home page and search provider, it is necessary to make sure that no additional files associated with YontooDesktop.exe are left within the system. Hence we recommend using SpyHunter so that it removes the so-called adware application and protects the PC. Below you will find instructions which should help you remove YontooDesktop.exe manually.

YontooDesktop.exe removal

Windows Vista and Windows 7

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Click Control Panel.
  3. Click Uninstall a program.
  4. Double-click Yontoo or some other application related to YontooDesktop.exe.

Windows XP

  1. Open the Start menu and click Control Panel.
  2. Click Add or Remove Programs.
  3. Select the program you want to remove and click the Remove button.

Windows 8

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and press the R key.
  2. Type control panel and click OK.
  3. Select Uninstall a program and double-click the unwanted program.

Remove YontooDesktop.exe from your browsers

Internet Explorer

  1. Press Alt+T.
  2. Click Internet Option.
  3. Open the Advanced tab.
  4. Click Reset.
  5. Mark the box given and click Reset.
  6. Click Close.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Press Alt+H.
  2. Click Troubleshooting Information.
  3. Click Reset Firefox - > Reset Firefox - > Finish.

Google Chrome

  1. Press Alt+F.
  2. Point to Tools - > Extensions.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. In the On startup section, select one of the options and click Set pages.
  5. Change the startup page.
  6. In the Search Section, click Manage search engines and set a new search provider if necessary.

To make sure that all the unwanted components are removed, click the button below and download our recommend scanner which you can use whenever you want to scan the PC for malware.

100% FREE spyware scan and
tested removal of YontooDesktop.exe*

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