What is Windows Ultimate Booster?
Windows Ultimate Booster is a rogue computer security program which can afflict unprotected computers with ease. The fraudulent program belongs to a group called Rogue.VirusDoctor, which includes a lot of rogue programs, such as Windows Efficiency Kit, Windows Prime Accelerator, Windows Prime Shield and many others. All the malicious programs that fall to the category of Rogue.VirusDoctor have interfaces which suggest that they have been created by Microsoft. In fact, Microsoft has nothing in common with the production of Windows Ultimate Booster and other malicious programs; therefore, do not trust the recommendations and security alerts displayed by this program.
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How does Windows Ultimate Booster work?
The ultimate goal of Windows Ultimate Booster is to deceive you into thinking that the computer is infected with a lot of dangerous threats. In order to achieve the goal, different scare tactics are used. First, Windows Ultimate Booster disables executable files and restricts your access to the Internet. Second, it launches its fake scanner and may display some misleading pop-up warnings to encourage you to activate program, which can supposedly eliminate AdWare.Win32.BHO, Trojan-Downloader, Virus.Win32.Sality and other computer threats.
The truth is that the computer infections supposedly detected by the fake scanner are not present on your computer. Windows Ultimate Booster generates that list of the infections in order to make you think that all the threats are responsible for the malfunctions of the system. However, instead of purchasing the licensed version of the malicious program, remove it from the computer.
Bear in mind that by purchasing the registration key for the program, you risk your privacy. All the information that you enter into the purchase form may be exploited by the cyber attackers. Instead of enabling the criminals to use your online banking details and other information, remove Windows Ultimate Booster from the computer as soon as you can. The price of the licensed program varies from 49.95 to $99.9, and there is no need to waste your money on useless computer program. All that you have to do now is remove Windows Ultimate Booster, and the sooner you eliminate it, the sooner you can access the system and browse the Internet as usual.
How to remove Windows Ultimate Booster?
Windows Ultimate Booster is a complex infection that has a lot of component, all of which have to be removed from the system in order to ensure proper performance of the system. Though it is possible to eliminate the infection from the system manually, we recommend that you rely on a powerful spyware removal tool because automatic removal is by far the safest way to get remove Windows Ultimate Booster from the PC.
Automatic removal of Windows Ultimate Booster
If you have decided to remove Windows Ultimate Booster, you have two options. First, you may try to register the program with one of the activation keys:
- 0W000-000B0-00T00-E0001
- 0W000-000B0-00T00-E0002
- 0W000-000B0-00T00-E0003
When the program is activated, implement a spyware removal tool. If the registration keys are not working, you should use the following removal guide.
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A) Manual Windows Ultimate Booster Removal
- Reboot the computer.
- Once the BIOS splash screen loads, continuously tap the F8 key.
- Select Safe Mode with Command Prompt using the arrow keys.
- Press Enter.
- Type in cd.. next to C:\Windows\system32\ and press Enter.
- Next to another line, type in C:\Windows\explorer.exe.
- Press Enter.
- Open the Start menu.
- Type %appdata% into the search box and press Enter. For Windows XP: launch Run and then enter %appdata% into the Open box and click OK.
- 10. Delete the file guard-{4 random symbols}.exe.
- 11. Restart the computer.
- 12. Open the Start menu and type regedit into the search box. Press Enter. If you use Windows XP, first launch Run and only when type in regedit.
- 13. Follow the path HKEY_CURRECT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\Winlogon.
- 14. Right-click on Shell and then select Modify.
- 15. Type in %WinDir%\Explorer.exe and click OK in order to change Value Data.
- 16. Close Registry Editor.
- 17. Go to http://www.anti-spyware-101.com/download-sph to download SpyHunter, which can remove Windows Ultimate Booster.
B) Manual Windows Ultimate Booster Removal
Though we do not recommend removing Windows Ultimate Booster manually, below you will find the components that you have to remove from the system.
1) End the following processes:
2) Open the Windows Registry Editor (enter regedit into the search box in the Start menu or launch Run and then enter regedit) and delete these registry entries:
3) Delete the following files: