What is Windows Protection Maintenance?
If Windows Protection Maintenance computer scanner informs you with tens of treacherous computer infections, do not panic, and focus on the only task – bogus security application’s removal, because it is the sole Windows threat, which can occupy your system, and make you spend your money on a full version tool, which will never detect and delete real, high-risk infections. The rogue antispyware is truly cunning, and has secretly stolen money from hundreds of Windows system users, so you should hurry up to delete Windows Protection Maintenance straight away.
The malignant application’s invasion is controlled by professional hackers, so you might not even know how you have let the vicious virus into your system. You might have downloaded it together with an illegal download, initiated the rogue’s setup by visiting virus-related web site, or helped it gain control over your system in many other ways. And once inside a system, Windows Protection Maintenance virus will attempt to make you believe that your system is gravely infected with an avalanche of fake security notifications, which will keep pushing you to remove alleged malware. If you believe the bogus proclamations and purchase rogue’s licensed version, you will disclose highly-sensitive banking details and contact information to the cyber criminals, and the infection will remain in your PC!
So, whether you have already fallen for the scheme or not, delete Windows Protection Maintenance from your Windows OS immediately, and fulfill the task by installing legal security tools, with malware detection and removal capabilities. Not many Windows users will be able to remove the virus manually, but if you have the right skills and knowledge, continue with the manual removal guide below.
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