What is Windows Premium Defender?
When Windows Premium Defender appears on the screen of your computer, do not think that this application is reliable. Windows Premium Defender is a malicious application which has been created to steal your money. This program tries to convince you that there are a lot of infections on your computer. You should not trust it, because this application is not capable of tracking down and removing infections. Hence, delete Windows Premium Defender, because this application is worthless.
As soon as you or a Trojan installs Windows Premium Defender into the system, the rogue starts doing what it is supposed to do. For example, in the Windows Task Bar, you will see annoying messages popping up from time after time. If you close the message, another one appears very soon. Moreover, Windows Premium Defender fakes scans of the system, and when the scan is finished, it presents a list of bogus infections. These infections are files spread in the system after the installation of the rogue, and it is inadvisable to attempt to remove those files on your own. Leave the removal of Windows Premium Defender for an experienced troubleshooter or a reliable antispyware tool.
Warning, this parasite will block your Internet connection. Click here for instructions how to renew your Internet access.
Bear in mind that you should not attempt to remove Windows Premium Defender manually if you do not know how to do it. All of the elements of the rogue have to be deleted in order to prevent further infections or regeneration of the same infection. If you remove relevant system’s files, the removal might end disappointingly, because you might damage the system. Therefore, we recommend you get rid of Windows Premium Defender by using an antispyware tool which will delete the files related to Windows Premium Defender and will not cause any damage.
Windows Premium Defender is an exact copy of Windows Web Combat, Windows Virtual Angel and many others infections that look like legitimate Windows applications. Windows Premium Defender is included into the Rogue.VirusDoctor family due to the same reasons – it has characteristics of Windows applications and attempts to deceive users into believing that they need to remove all infections detected. The rogue tries to achieve this by presenting such misleading notifications:
Potential malware detected.
It is recommended to activate protection and perform a thorough system scan to remove the malware.Error
Software without a digital signature detected. Your system files are at risk. We strongly advise you to activate your protection.
Ignore the rogue’s endeavor to full you and remove it from the system as soon as you can. The longer you wait and do not delete Windows Premium Defender, the more difficult it is to use the computer. The reason why you cannot use the computer properly is absence of access to the Internet and non-responsiveness of Registry Editor, Task Manager and some executable files. Once you remove the infection, you can again use the computer properly, because you can again access the Internet and other tools.
Automatic Windows Premium Defender Removal
Remove Windows Premium Defender with an automatic spyware removal tool so that you do not have to do anything manually. The only thing that you have to do is install an antispyware application and start a scan. To download a tool which will delete the infection, activate the rogue so that you can again use the Internet.
1) Use this key to register the malware: 0W000-000B0-00T00-E0020. Once you are done, open your browser and download SpyHunter. Install and launch the application.
2) Download Spyhunter on to a spare computer if you do not want to activate the infection on the infected computer. Transfer the download on to the infected computer, install and launch the tool.
tested removal of Windows Premium Defender* 100% FREE spyware scan and
Manual Windows Premium Defender Removal
Instead of using an automatic malware removal application, you can delete this cunning application manually if you know how to delete dangerous infections. We do not recommend you do it on your own if you lack technical knowledge and skills, because the removal of malware is a complex operation. Nonetheless, below you will find the instructions on how to terminate this annoying pest:
1) Terminate these processes:
2) Open Registry Editor and delete the following registry entries:
3) Delete these files: