What is Windows.iYogi.com?
Windows.iYogi.com is an advertising domain, and if you find that the advertisements on your browsers are sent from this domain, you may like to check what unwanted programs are installed on the PC. Windows.iYogi.com is very likely to be used by a browser add-on which is supported by several advertisers and compatible with Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. If you cannot recall installing the application which generates Windows.iYogi.com ads, it suggests that the application has been installed alongside some other free program, such as browser extension, video converter, or any other free application. In order to prevent such occurrences in the future, you should not skip the information that you are provided by the installation wizard. But if you already want to get rid of Windows.iYogi.com ads, keep on reading to find out how to remove the unwanted application from the PC.
What do Windows.iYogi.com advertisements do?
Windows.iYogi.com advertisements are displayed to acquire more clicks and raise the revenues of various websites. Usually, the programs that display numerous advertisements are not associated with the websites that are promoted, which means that the user interacts with the advertisements at his/her own risk. Windows.iYogi.com advertisement may be provided as in-text advertisements, which are pop-up windows that appear when the mouse pointer is hovered over a word hyperlinked by the application.
However, Windows.iYogi.com is not the only domain to which you may be exposed, and in-text advertisements are not the only type of ads that you may find when browsing the Internet. You may also find pop-ups or pop-unders web banners, and interstitial advertisements. All of them are aimed at making you visit the websites that are promoted, and we recommend that you interact with those advertisements with caution because they may take you to insecure websites.
Since the application that provides you with Windows.iYogi.com ads is not responsible for the content of the website to which you are taken, any websites, whether it is legitimate or not, can be promoted. In order to prevent unwanted consequences, get rid of Windows.iYogi.com and other ads by removing the unwanted application.
How to remove Windows.iYogi.com?
In order to get rid of various advertisements and prevent the potentially unwanted program from monitoring your browsing behavior, follow the instructions provided below. Since the unwanted application may use cookies and other tracking techniques to obtain anonymous information from your PC and internet browsers, you should implement a powerful spyware removal tool. Our experts at Anti-Spyware-101.com recommend using SpyHunter, because it can protect you from malware and spyware attacks and save your time. If you find the following instructions insufficient, implement the scanner available below, and invest in the program if necessary.
How to get rid of Windows.iYogi.com ads
Windows Vista and Windows 7
- Open the Start menu and click Control Panel.
- Select Uninstall a program.
- Remove the unwanted application.
Windows XP
- Click the Start button.
- Click Control Panel.
- Select Add or Remove Programs.
- Uninstall the unwanted application.
Windows 8
- Click the Start button to access the Start menu.
- Start typing control panel.
- Click the Control Panel icon.
- Click Uninstall a program and remove the unwanted application.
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