What is Win32/OpenCandy?
Win32/OpenCandy is also known as Adware:Win32/OpenCandy. The application has been developed to enter your personal computer, discover your browsing preferences and flood your browsers with various online offers and deals. Advertisements presented by the application should not be trusted at any point because some of them could be employed as Windows security backdoors to infect your personal computer with secondary spyware. Anti-Spyware-101.com researchers warn that this activity is tremendously dangerous as this is how Trojans, fake AVs, keyloggers and other dangerous spyware can be dropped onto the computer without any of your knowledge. What about the adware application? How did it enter your personal computer? What are its intentions? Should you delete Win32/OpenCandy? What removal procedures should you employ? Continue reading to learn this.
Why should you delete Win32/OpenCandy?
The suspicious program has been developed by SweetLabs, and it is represented at opencandy.com. Here it is disclaimed that the application can help you increase revenue, grow user base, find new network contacts and optimize services. Needless to say, this is meant to attract potential online marketeers who could pay money in order to have their products advertised. As you may know already, SweetLabs generates profit by promoting third-party content, which is why you should raise questions about whether you can or cannot trust the presented offers and pop-up advertisements. In some cases, advertising platforms do not screen all of their affiliates, which may lead to promoting schemers’ products. Without a doubt, this could lead you to spyware removal issues.
As research shows, Win32/OpenCandy may be dropped onto your computer after you install freeware. Once the program is activated onto the computer, it may discover information related to your own Windows system and web searches. For example, it may find out what programs have been downloaded onto the PC, the unique machine code, the version of your operating system, the language you use, the geographical location you are running the system from, and even what advertisements you view. This data can be sent to a remote server with the help of LatestDLMgr.exe (30.28K, 30.24K or 40.46K) and the dynamic link library file OCSetupHlp.dll. Note that his element may be employed to send MIME email, and it also controls what pop-ups are released. Therefore, if you want to delete Win32/OpenCandy manually, you firstly need to delete these files.
How to remove Win32/OpenCandy?
The sooner you delete the undesirable program from your operating system – the better. If you do not remove Win32/OpenCandy in time, it is possible that malignant ads presented through it will allow cyber crooks to open up security backdoors and initiate secondary spyware attacks. Are you comfortable with malicious applications taking over your personal computer? Of course you are not, which is why you should install automatic spyware removal software to delete the application from the PC as soon as possible. We recommend SpyHunter because the tool will ensure that the system is guarded against further malware removal problems in the future. Do you have more questions? Post the below!
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