What is WebCakeDesktop.Updater.exe?
WebCakeDesktop.Updater.exe is a process file that belongs to an adware program. If you have this file running in your Task Manager, it is very likely that you experience constant pop-up advertisement spams whenever you open search engines or popular social networking websites. Computer adware applications cannot be considered computer viruses, but they also present particular security risks that should be dealt with immediately. Although at first the pop-up ads may look like an annoying nuisance, sooner or later they could become instrumental in malware attack, so you need to remove WebCakeDesktop.Updater.exe from your computer without further ado, and make sure that there are no other potentially dangerous programs present.
Where does WebCakeDesktop.Updater.exe come from?
WebCakeDesktop.Updater.exe belongs to an adware program called WebCake. It is installed on your PC as a browser extension and then each time you open Google, Bing, Facebook, Yahoo! or any other popular website, you are displayed commercial advertisements at the bottom of your browser. Some users think that WebCakeDesktop.Updater.exe is a malicious file, and consequently WebCake is a dangerous program. However, the truth is that users more often than not install this adware on their computer themselves! That happens when you download and install freeware applications you have found on third party websites. If you go through the installation process automatically, you will probably end up installing a lot of unwanted and potentially dangerous applications such as WebCakeDesktop.Updater.exe.
What does WebCakeDesktop.Updater.exe do?
When this file is running it means the WebCake program is running as well. The program displays commercial advertisements in order to make you click on them, redirect you to a particular website and then boost the traffic for that website. It is also possible for WebCakeDesktop.Updater.exe to generate financial revenue by pay-per-click advertising. That is the reason why you are seeing many pop-up ads and sponsored links within the web browser. Luckily, WebCakeDesktop.Updater.exe is not going to change your default home page settings or default search engine, but this file loads automatically each time you turn on your computer.
How to remove WebCakeDesktop.Updater.exe?
In order to remove the file itself, you need to terminate the program responsible for WebCakeDesktop.Updater.exe. Luckily, WebCake has an entry in the list of installed programs, so you can uninstall it via Control Panel. Follow the instructions below to remove WebCake and consequently WebCakeDesktop.Updater.exe from your computer and your browser.
How to remove WebCakeDesktop.Updater.exe
Windows 8
- Move mouse cursor to the bottom right of the screen.
- Click Settings and go to Control Panel.
- Select Uninstall a program and remove WebCake.
Windows Vista & Windows 7
- Open Start menu and click Control Panel.
- Go to Uninstall a program and remove WebCake.
Windows XP
- Open Start menu and go to Control Panel.
- Select Add or remove programs and uninstall WebCake.
Remove WebCake from your browser
Internet Explorer
- Press Alt+X and click Manage add-ons.
- Remove WebCake from Toolbars and Extensions.
Mozilla Firefox
- Press Ctrl+Shift+A and Add-ons manager tab will open.
- Disable and remove WebCake from Extensions.
Google Chrome
- Press Alt+F and click Tools.
- Select Extensions and remove WebCake from the list.
After manual removal run a full system scan with SpyHunter free scanner to check whether you have really removed WebCakeDesktop.Updater.exe from your PC. If the file is still there, invest in a computer security application that will terminate WebCakeDesktop.Updater.exe for you automatically.
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