Váš počítač je zablokován virus

What is Váš počítač je zablokován virus?

The last program you want running on your computer is Váš počítač je zablokován virus. This nasty ransomware virus is a threat to those Windows users who live in the Czech Republic and who have not protected their computers with reliable malware discovery and removal software. It is not difficult to find the virus running because it initiates a computer lock-down; however, it is much more difficult to remove it. Are you struggling with this task? Are you looking for the most reliable way to delete Váš počítač je zablokován virus? Anti-Spyware-101.com team is here to help and if you continue reading you will find out how to remove the infection timely and effortlessly.

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tested removal of Váš počítač je zablokován virus*

Why should you delete Váš počítač je zablokován virus?

As mentioned before, the virus locks down a computer. Despite this, not many Windows users understand that this is illegal because schemers display a screen-size notification supposedly sent by the Police. The bogus alert produces such fake information:

Provoz Vašeho počítače je pozastaven z důvodu neoprávněné činnosti. […]
Chcete-li odblokovat počítač a uniknout před trestní odpovědností, musíte zaplatit pokutu ve výši 3000 CZK.

Despite intimidating voice-over, this alert is neither realistic nor authentic, as it has been applied in various languages alongside different Reveton Trojan viruses, including Ihr Computer ist gesperrt virus and United States Department of Justice Virus. Whichever infection slithers onto you PC, you need to ignore it without any hesitation. If you make the demanded fine payments – your savings will be lost without any good reason. So, if you want to unlock your computer and delete Váš počítač je zablokován virus, I suggest you learn how to do it right now.

How to remove Váš počítač je zablokován virus?

Váš počítač je zablokován virus removal is not a simple task, especially if you have never dealt with computer infections. Remember that the virus is not the only infection running on your computer which is why manual removal is not something you should do. Instead you should implement automatic removal tools like SpyHunter to delete the infection and guard your digital security in the future.

Remove the virus from Windows Vista and Windows 7:

  1. Restart the PC and start tapping F8 immediately after BIOS loads up.
  2. Using arrow keys select Safe Mode with Networking. Hit Enter.
  3. Go to http://www.anti-spyware-101.com/spyhunter and download the removal tool.
  4. Install the application to delete malware at once.

Remove the virus from Windows XP:

  1. Restart the computer and start tapping F8 immediately after BIOS loads up.
  2. Use arrow keys to select Safe Mode with Networking and hit Enter.
  3. Click Yes if you are prompted with “Windows is running in safe mode” alert.
  4. Open the Start menu, launch RUN, type “msconfig” and click OK.
  5. In the System Configuration Utility, click on the Startup tab and uncheck all items. Click Apply.
  6. Download SpyHunter, restart the PC normally and install the tool to delete malware.
100% FREE spyware scan and
tested removal of Váš počítač je zablokován virus*

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