Koyote Toolbar

What is Koyote Toolbar?

Although it might seem that Koyote Toolbar belongs to Koyote-Lab, Inc., this program is the creation of MyBrowserBar and Spigot Inc. In fact, it is possible that both of these companies are operated by the same people. For example, if you go to www.mybrowserbar.com and click the link called “Company Information,” you will be redirected straight to www.spigot.com. All in all, both of these companies monetize software, and it is unlikely that they are interested in helping you. It is most likely that they earn money for the links they promote, which is why the toolbar provides an array of links leading to different sites. Some of these sites are popular and authentic, and others are more suspicious and unpredictable. Anti-Spyware-101.com researchers have analyzed this suspicious toolbar, and, if you want to learn what was found, you should continue reading. If you do, you will also learn how you can remove Koyote Toolbar from your operating system.testtest

How does Koyote Toolbar work?

Koyote Toolbar is not very special. It will not hijack your Internet Explorer browser, collect personal information, inject misleading ads, or download malware. So, why are we discussing this program? The members in our research team agree that this program is a bad toolbar. First of all, it does not offer very beneficial services, and it is most likely that its main objective is to generate profit by boosting traffic to such sites as koyotesoft.com, youtube.com, twitter.com, or facebook.com. Of course, this makes this toolbar useless rather than malicious. Well, we consider this toolbar “bad” because it might trick Windows users into installing it as the creation of Koyote-Lab, Inc. Although users are provided with information revealing the real creators, the name of the toolbar itself is quite misleading. On top of that, it is likely to show shopping coupons served by Savings-Slider. We do not recommend interacting with these coupons unless you research this service and you are completely comfortable with how it records information about you and which parties it represents. Needless to say, if you find this service unreliable, the coupons displayed will be irritating, and, unless you delete the toolbar, you will have to put up with them.

Did you know that Koyote Toolbar works similarly to Dealio Toolbar? Both of these toolbars are published by Spigot, and they are promoted by MyBrowserBar (e.g., koyotesoft.mybrowserbar.com/download.html), which is why it is not that surprising that they act similarly. It was found that both of them are also likely to come bundled with the Spigot Application Updater. Although it is not uncommon for software to employ updating tools and other extra components, some users will find it disconcerting that anything can be downloaded secretly without notice. Other users panic about the fact that this toolbar creates registry keys in the Windows Registry. You can find keys and values associated with toolbar if you navigate to such paths as HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar, and HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AppDataLow\Software\Koyote Soft. The files of this toolbar are located in the folders found in %PROGRAMFILES% (or %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%) and %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\ (%USERPROFILE%\Application Data for Windows XP users) directories. Do you think it is hard to eliminate every single unwanted component from your operating system? Well, you are right. The good news is that you do not need to do that to delete Koyote Toolbar successfully. There are other methods to eliminate this strange IE toolbar.

How to eliminate Koyote Toolbar

The instructions below were tested in our internal lab, and we can guarantee that you can successfully delete Koyote Toolbar using them. You will not even need to eliminate any leftovers if you follow the instructions below. Another method that we want to discuss is automatic removal. Of course, this option is most suitable to those whose systems are already infected with lots of other infections and whose systems are vulnerable. Since not all security tools identify this truly suspicious toolbar as a threat, you might think you are safe. In reality, unless you use up-to-date, reliable anti-malware software, you will never be safe. Keep in mind that cyber criminals are always aware of all security vulnerabilities and available security backdoors, and they invent new ways to exploit them. Make sure you employ reliable security software even if you manage to clean all existing threats manually.

Removal Instructions

Windows XP:

  1. Click the Start icon to open a menu and open Control Panel.
  2. Double-click the Add or Remove Programs icon to access a different menu.
  3. Select the undesirable program and click the Remove button.

Windows Vista or Windows 7:

  1. Click the Windows/Start menu icon located on the Taskbar.
  2. Open the Control Panel and navigate to the Uninstall a program menu.
  3. Right-click the application you wish to eliminate and click the Uninstall button.

Windows 8, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10:

  1. Launch RUN (simultaneously tap Win+R) and enter Control Panel.
  2. In the Programs menu move to Uninstall a program.
  3. Find the undesirable program, right-click it, and choose Uninstall to eliminate it.
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