What is Ukash Politie Virus?
The name of the Ukash Politie Virus includes two well-known names that will be used by schemers to trick you into trusting the infection and giving up your money, without ever suspecting the real objective of the scam. Ukash name is used because cyber criminals can employ this virtual payment system to collect illicit fines, which will be discussed in this report. And the Politie part of the name represents the Dutch Police logos that will be used to scare you into trusting all information that you will be provided with. If you continue reading, you will find out all about the cunning tricks of the malicious infections and how to delete Ukash Politie Virus quickly and reliably.
Ukash Politie Virus can also go by the shorter name Ukash virus; however, Anti-Spyware-101.com ransomware research team signals that numerous titles could be used to define the malignant program. This is because it may be presented with different notifications, which will pop up on your screen when the virus slithers in. Therefore, you should not be surprised to come across such names as Buma Stemra virus, International Police Association virus or Uw computer is gedblokkeerd virus. Even though these ransomware viruses use the name of the Politie Nederland, have been created for the same purposes and even present similar misleading information, all of them are presented slightly differently:
Uw computer is vergrendeld.
Illegaal gedownloade muziek stukken (“door piraterij verkregen”) zijn gelegen op de computer. Met het downloaden de liedjes zijn gekopieerd, zodat ka nook een strafbaar feit onder § 106 van de Auteurswet.Om uw computer te ontgrendelen, bent u aansprakelijk tot het betalen van €100. De boete moet worden betaald voor 24 uur sinds het vergrendelen van de computer.
The misleading notifications will be presented on your screen, which will be locked in order to convince you that the Dutch Police have detected illegal activity operated within or from your computer. If you had been monitored by the original authorities, before having your system locked-down (which is not even practiced), you would be notified. What is more, you would not be ordered to pay money via Ukash or Paysafecard, as these systems are completely untraceable. Hence, all information and supposedly legitimate credentials should be ignored, just like the attached email addresses. If you contacted any of the emails listed below, schemers could record your personal email address and apply it to future scams.
Since it is clear that you need to remove Ukash Politie Virus, it would be best if you hurried up and installed automatic removal tools or deleted the infection manually. Please follow the proposed instructions to unlock your computer.
1. Hit the power button and restart your computer, immediately pressing F8.
2. Choose Safe Mode with Networking.
3. Download automatic removal tools or delete Ukash Politie Virus manually.
4. FOR Windows 7 users:
Install computer protection software and restart the computer.
5. FOR Windows XP users:
Go to Start, click on Run and enter “msconfig”. Go to Startup and choose to Disable All programs. Finish the operation by restarting the PC and installing automatic ransomware virus removal tools.
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