What is Trojan.win32.agent?
Trojan.win32.agent is a Trojan infection that is closely related to Personal Anti-Virus fake antivirus product. It means that if your computer security tool has detected Trojan.win32.agent on your PC, then it is very likely that you are infected with Personal Anti-Virus as well. This fake antivirus program enters your system in order to create havoc and convince you that you are seriously infected with malware and therefore you simply must invest in Personal Anti-Virus so that the program would protect your PC. Unfortunately, that is an absolute lie, and to ensure your PC’s safety you need to remove Trojan.win32.agent and Personal Anti-Virus immediately.
How many Trojan.win32.agent infections are there?
There are two types of Trojan.win32.agent infections. One is a real one and one is a fake one. The fake one is part of the Personal Anti-Virus scam (as described above), in a sense that the fake antivirus program pretends that it has detected Trojan.win32.agent on your computer and therefore you have to purchase the full version in order to terminate the malware.
The real Trojan.win32.agent was detected back in 2008. The malicious programs is identified as a Windows PE .exe file, and once the malicious program is launched, it copies itself into Windows startup directory, thus allowing itself to auto-start each time you turn on your computer. The original Trojan.win32.agent is also known as a Trojan downloader, so it means that the malicious infection downloads even more malware onto your computer.
What does the fake Trojan.win32.agent do?
The fake Trojan.win32.agent does absolutely nothing. In fact, if you were to be infected with the actual Trojan.win32.agent, you probably would not notice the infection before it was too late – Trojans do not actually inform about themselves.
However, when it comes to the fake Trojan.win32.agent infection used by Personal Anti-Virus, then the infection you are being informed about is not real. It is just a name used by the rogue antispyware application in order to convince you that your system is terribly infected and therefore you need to spend your money purchasing the license for Personal Anti-Virus, as the application is the only tool that can save your computer. Obviously, that is a blatant lie.
How to remove Trojan.win32.agent.azsy?
If you are infected with the actual Trojan, then you definitely need to invest in a powerful antimalware tool so that it would remove Trojan.win32.agent for you automatically, as manual Trojan removal is extremely complicated. Also, if you are not sure whether you are infected or not, scan your PC with SpyHunter free scanner and if you have any potentially dangerous or malicious files on board, the scanner will identify them at once.
If you are infected with the rogue antispyware program, then you need to remove Personal Anti-Virus. Do not even think of paying your money to these crooks! Acquire a reliable antimalware application, run a full system scan and remove Personal Anti-Virus files automatically. The fake alert about Trojan.win32.agent will disappear immediately. Also, do not hesitate to safeguard your PC against similar infections in the future.
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