What is Trojan.JS.Redirector.xa?
Trojan.JS.Redirector.xa is a JavaScript Trojan infection which will access the PC surreptitiously and attempt to redirect the user to a particular website. The threat is likely to be located in the Temporary Internet Files folder. It is advisable to remove the contents of the folder in order to ease up the detection and removal of the threat.
Trojan.JS.Redirector.xa is also known as Trojan:JS/Seedabutor.B and JS.Redirector.175. Depending on your anti-virus tool, you may not receive any security notification or alert informing you about the presence of the threat. But if you find that you are redirected to unknown and suspicious websites, you should scan the PC for malware infections and remove them if any detected.
Trojan.JS.Redirector.xa on the PC
There are different variants of the threat, each of which has some particular specifications. Some earlier version of Trojan.JS.Redirector.xa used to redirect the user to dsparking.com, while this particular one has been noticed to redirect the users to dsnetservices.com. The redirection to the domain mentioned will occur if you visit a website which contains the JavaScrip infection, which is injected during SQL Injection attacks or the so-called website poisoning.
Once present on the PC, the Java Scrip Trojan drops a malicious file called pwm2.exe. However, this file is not the only one related to the threat. The infection uses rootkit technique to conceal its components so that various anti-virus programs cannot detect it.
Moreover, the Trojan infection may download some new malware, which is why you should not try to remove Trojan.JS.Redirector.xa manually. There are various types of computer threats, which means that spyware, adware, and many other threats may be downloaded onto your PC.
How to remove Trojan.JS.Redirector.xa?
Trojan.JS.Redirector.xa affects your Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and other browsers; moreover, it is capable of downloading new malware, and the fact that a lot of unauthorized changes are made should stop you from removing the threat manually. Instead, implement a reputable spyware removal tool, which is capable of protecting you against various computer threats. We recommend using SpyHunter as this anti-spyware tool can easily kill the infection and safeguard the system. Moreover, the application will save your time. How? It requires minimal interaction which means that the majority of operations will be performed without your interference.
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